As in true New England fashion the weather has gone from 70 degrees to 45 degrees in less than twenty four hours. I personally am not complaining because I like the cool weather, but I watched people walking around with kind of stunned looks on their faces asking what the heck happened. Oh well, wait till the weekend and it might be 70 again. You never know.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to all those great kids who had birthdays. I finally figured out why I have not got the list. My deadline for the column has been moved back two days and Wednesday is my day off and I could run over to the school get them in before the deadline. Now I just write the column and say I’ll get it Wednesday and before I know it I forget. Maybe a sticky note on my forehead will help.

The Derby is now over and now jobs will get done that have been put off on your house or anyplace else that did not get done between the dates of Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. So I am sure that things will get back on track in most places this week.

Congratulations to all the winners, especially to Trish Lyman who won the car and John Stasiuk who won the boat.

Ryan Mundt and his wife Michelle, and children Lina (Evangeline) and Levi were here for the weekend. Ryan was here to play in the Policeman’s Golf Tournament on Saturday in all the rain and drizzle, while Michelle, Lina and Levi spent time with Grammy, Patty Mundt. They also got to spend some time with Ryan’s brother Kraig and his wife Ashley. There were lots of smiles for the family all weekend.

I love to sometimes shock a few people and maybe I am helping those who always say “I am starting my shopping earlier next year.” Well, guess what it is time? There is only 10 weeks left till Christmas and if you want to put it another way there are only 10 more paychecks till Christmas. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

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