The Tisbury School building committee would like to thank the voters who came out to support the Tisbury School building project at both town meeting and the ballot vote. We are proud to be part of a community that invests so much in the lives of Tisbury School students.
In addition, we would like to thank the Vineyard Gazette for their support and coverage of our school building project. The information presented was always credible and well written. They allowed for input from all residents so that we could have different perspectives with which to make decisions.
We are grateful to Cronig’s Market for allowing us to display the school building model for endless days leading up to both the town meeting and vote. It gave residents the opportunity to view the proposal and get facts about the project. Your willingness to support our efforts truly shows your community involvement and commitment to the town of Tisbury.
Thanks to Michelle Vivian, Bob Tankard and Carl Holt of MVTV and Richard Paradise of Martha’s Vineyard Film Center for allowing us to utilize their organizations as a way to reach other members of our community. Without the support of the above mentioned media outlets, we would not have been able to get out the information to the public that they needed to know. In addition, thank you to the League of Women Voters, Tisbury Vision Council and the Vineyard Haven Library for hosting school building project presentations.
A special thank you to Richie Barlett and Ben McMahon, two talented former Tisbury School students and current juniors at MVRHS, for their extraordinary efforts in creating the school building project video. The video would not have been possible without the guidance of MVRHS teacher Kevin McGrath, and narration by school superintendent Matt D’Andrea.
Despite our failed ballot vote, we are optimistic that the town of Tisbury will come together to discuss options that will result in a fiscally responsible project that meets the educational needs of Tisbury students as well as serving as a community resource. For project information and updates, please visit
Colleen McAndrews
Vineyard Haven
The writer is chairman of the Tisbury School building committee.
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