It was of great surprise to see the benches honoring the late Bob Carroll and Henry Hough missing from in front of Carroll & Vincent Real Estate office this week. First thought was the town was rearranging Main street, but as it turned out that was not the case. It seems the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust, which now wants to be called Vineyard Trust, owns the benches. They came by and moved them to another part of their property. The issue is that these two prominent men of Edgartown who each in their own way did plenty to make this town what it is today have now been moved from a spot for all to see to a spot where few will see. If you want to see Bob and Henry, they are off a walkway on North Water street. I do find it funny that these two town fathers who often were on the opposite sides of most issues are now facing each other, with a walkway between them.

Jim Joyce