• Mark Alan Lovewell

Moon, Saturn and Jupiter

The brightest planet in the eastern sky, Jupiter appears close to the gibbous moon on Monday night. The two rise in the eastern sky before sunset, and appear to intensify in brilliance as the night unfolds. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Libra.

The moon is one day short of full, the Honey Moon. Jupiter is about as close to the Earth as it gets, and thus is brilliant. The planet appears about five degrees away from the Moon.

If you are up later in the evening on Thursday, take a look outside a few hours after sunset. The moon appears close to the bright planet Saturn. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius, the southern most constellation in the zodiac. Use the moon to find Saturn.

Though Saturn and the moon spend the night together, they do not venture very high in the southern sky. Standing on South Beach, the moon hugs close to the dark ocean, creating a brightly lit path. The shimmering floating carpet runs from the shoreline where you stand out to the edge of the horizon, under the moon.


Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., May 25 5:13 8:03
Sat., May 26 5:13 8:04
Sun., May 27 5:12 8:05
Mon., May 28 5:11 8:06
Tues., May 29 5:11 8:06
Wed., May 30 5:10 8:07
Thurs., May 31 5:10 8:08
Fri., June 1 5:09 8:09
Temperatures and Precipitation
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
May 18 63 52 0.05
May 19 57 48 0.00
May 20 60 51 0.15
May 21 64 56 0.13
May 22 71 52 0.00
May 23 69 53 0.15
May 24 71 55 T


Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 62º F


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