Once again the Island Food Pantry sends a huge shout-out to everyone who gave donations so freely throughout the holidays and continuing into the New Year. The Ritz had a spectacular fundraising evening for us. Sports Haven, The Hob Knob Inn and the Charter School all contributed food donations. The Barn Bowl and Bistro delivered a huge load of turkeys. Noah Glasgow spearheaded a great chocolate fundraiser with the Falmouth Academy. Rainy Day has run multiple food drives in December and now again in February, while Le Roux has just completed their drive. The Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank and Mone Insurance both ran great food drives. Ocean Breeze contributed needed cleaning of the three-door freezer donated by JB Blau. Thank you to JB — and to Craig Carroll for transporting it. Slice of Life (whom we will mightily miss) gave us all their remaining food.
And of course the Gatchell Family of Oak Bluffs ran another spectacular light display, yielding 42 boxes of donated food along with a significant cash donation from all their visitors. So many religious organizations remembered us, with Grace Episcopal Church especially generous. Finally a big thank you to the MVRHS Honor Society with a huge food drive at all the Island grocery stores this past weekend.
We are now entering our leanest months of the year for food needs. Fuel costs are high and jobs are at their lowest. At the pantry we are striving to continue healthy selections for our members in need and will do so with the continued help of our great community.
Thanks to each and every one for your support,
Margaret Hannemann
The writer is director of the Island Food Pantry.
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