From the June 1877 editions of the Gazette:
Scarcely a day passes with us, who have begun to enjoy the season, without seeing additional life and new faces upon our avenues. The winter shutters are fast being removed from the cottages, Saratoga trunks are arriving, and as the happy expressmen lands them in the homes of their owners, we are all led to believe that our season has commenced. The grounds in front of the cottages are being put in order, the florists are busy arranging flowers in the beds, and in several locations we find the stone vase and rustic basket occupying its accustomed place. The lovers of croquet have began in good earnest and the few good players who are thus early on hand are losing no time to prepare themselves as adapts at the game.
Several attempts have been made to produce a level and spacious surface of ground on which to set the wickets, but neither on the bluff nor highlands have persons felt paid for their trouble. Nowhere has there proved to be so large a spaces and one so nicely adapted to this lovely game as that beneath the aged oaks of the Camp Ground. Here it is that scores love to sit and watch the game and as it seems, impatiently wait their turn at the mallet and ball. Some have said, our best players have become fanatics over the game, and if the hours they employ in this manner are the indications, surely we must agree.
Our hotels are soon to wear a lively look and as the names are registered of the elite of our fashionable cities none will escape the reporter’s eye.
The Island House, whose genial proprietor serves his guests through winter as well as summer is the only one on the Bluffs which is in complete order for the season. The ceiling of the dining hall, which is one of the coolest upon the grounds, has been neatly ralsomined by J. O. Snell.
The Sea View House will open on the 1st of July under the management of its popular proprietor Mr. Holder M. Brownell. Some change will be made as regards Mr. Brownell’s assistants, but in this we are assured the house will sustain its well earned position of being the hotel of our Cottage City of America.
The Pawnee and Central House, in both of which the late Edward Southworth, of Brockton, was largely interested, will be open about the first of July. The former will be under the management of Mr. S. P. Howard, of Brockton, and the latter in the able hands of Mr. John S. Filler, of the same place. The reputation of these will be kept at the high standard which the public has given them for a number of years.
Doubtless no improvement which has been made on the Camp Ground will be more appreciated than that which is so prominent on Domestic Square. The Wesley Cafe has been doubled in size, and the store formerly occupied as a grocery by Otis Foss has been taken as the dining hall of the Cafe. In remodeling this property its owner has studied as far as possible the taste and wants of the public. On the first floor hot and cold water is supplied to each room from a boiler and force-pump which are located in the cellar. The room which will be used as a laundry has been furnished with modern appliances and the culinary department will surely take the palm. The ladies parlor is one of the pleasantest and easiest of access of any which our hotels can boast of. The whole structure presents a very fine appearance and does much credit to the builder. All of the work has been done by the day and superintended by your townsman, Mr. F. U. Ripley.
The Vineyard Grove House, under the management of Joseph Dias, has received a fresh coat of paint and the dining hall an increased capacity of room.
The light house at East Chop is well under way, and under the charge of General Duane, U.S. light house engineer, promises soon to be completed. The light house proper is constructed of iron plates weighing from 750 to 800 pounds each. Its base will be 14 feet 7 inches in diameter, and its height 140 feet. The illuminating power will be similar to that on West Chop, or that of the fourth order. At the east of the light house, a wooden dwelling will be erected for the keeper. It will be 28x31 feet, 1 1-2 stories high, with a good brick foundation.
Of all the improvements which have taken place at Vineyard Grove the past season, none are more conspicuous than those effected upon the store of Drs. Leach & O’Donnell. The interior is a marvel of neatness and elegance, and will compare favorably with any drug store in the State. The store is stocked with everything in the way of drugs and medicines, and all the prescriptions are carefully compounded. The soda to be found at this establishment is of the best and most refreshing quality - creamy, cool, and delicious. The choicest cigars are in abundance; the fancy articles rare, inviting, and of great variety. To all this must be added the fact, that the reputation of the establishment and the proprietors is of the highest order.
Compiled by Hilary Wall
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