• Sun about to rise over Vineyard Haven harbor on July Fourth.
  • Mark Alan Lovewell

Crescent Moon and Regulus

Tonight’s thin crescent moon is easier to see than last night. The moon is higher in the west and near the bright star Regulus, the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Leo. The moon is above and to the right of the bright star.
Regulus is the principle star in Leo, the lion. The star is 77 light years away. In addition to being one of the brightest stars in our night sky, the star is complicated. The star is actually four stars wrapped together tightly.
Leo appears in early summer in our western sky. For those of us who have been following the movement of the stars through the seasons, Leo is a constellation we associate with spring. In the month ahead, Leo will drop into the glare of the setting sun, to reappear next winter.
Next Tuesday night, the first quarter moon appears close to Spica, another distant and bright star, the main star in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.
Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 5 5:12 8:19
Sat., July 6 5:13 8:18
Sun., July 7 5:14 8:18
Mon., July 8 5:14 8:18
Tues., July 9 5:15 8:17
Wed., July 10 5:16 8:17
Thurs., July 11 5:16 8:16
Fri., July 12 5:18 8:16
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
June 28 75 69 0.00
June 29 84 65 0.00
June 30 77 55 T
July 1 81 61 0.58
July 2 78 63 0.00
July 3 79 61 0.00
July 4 83 62 0.00


Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 75º F


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