Last weekend’s weather forecast gave me a bit of angst. I was not at all prepared for possible single digits. I did what I usually do in this sort of situation — I lost sleep worrying. You would think by my advanced age I would see the futility of this behavior.
A few years ago I lost all my beets to an unseasonably hard freeze. I pulled all of them on Monday as well as the celeriac. Now they are all over the kitchen demanding some attention. I think I’ll try to preserve them in pots of dirt in the back room. One can only hope.
Big thanks to my son, Reuben, and grandson, Michael. They split and stacked a couple cords of wood. One of these years I should get some alternative heat in the house. Staying warm without central heat can be challenging.
I picked a lot of the inedible cabbages. The larvae of the white cabbage moth had their way with them. Lucky for me I have chickens who were happy to polish them off, pests and all.
Last week I complained about the deer damage everywhere. This week they came right to my front door and ate the sedum in an ornamental pot. I have a dog inside who barked at them but they did not even flinch.
Another confounding problem of Vineyard living is the ever-present and large tick population. Why, oh why, do they attach themselves on the human body in impossible to reach areas. This is especially problematic without a partner or roommate.
Recently, after applying hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, black salve, alcohol, and Neosporin, I had to wait until a decent hour in the morning to drive to a friend’s house for its removal.
As you can see I’m grasping for material. The gardens look dismal and I’m staying indoors on Tuesday and Wednesday.
There has been talk lately of regenerative gardening. This is an update on the Ruth Stout no-till method. It is a simple technique — continue piling on the organic material rather than disturbing the soil. A cover crop, for example, can be covered with hay, seaweed or even black plastic. I’m happy there is finally a name for this method. I thought I was just being lazy. I’ve been weeding, leaving them on the beds and covering with hay. It saves the pesky trip to the compost pile. Live and rarely, if ever, learn.
For many years running I am late in the ordering of spring bulbs. Why would this year be any different? I guess I saved money as many of my choices were no longer in stock. They should be arriving soon. Hopefully, I’ll get right to it. I have busted into frozen ground in the past and still they come up in the spring. Nature, it seems, can work with humans given half a chance.
A fall clematis was blooming at the entrance to Farm Neck on Tuesday. Also, a fall-blooming white iris was standing tall at the Chilmark Savings Bank.
Some of my seed garlic did not fit into the bed. I put the root end down into a couple of bottles with small tops. I think it should sprout. Then, in the dead of winter, I could cut a few garlic “scallions.” We shall see.
Last Saturday, Nov. 7, was the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I watched some of the emotional coverage of the event, a great day for humankind. Fast forward to the Trump era. He wants to build walls and his base fully supports him. Everyday is another sad, depressing window into what I hope is not the soul of our country. Is it hate or fear of the “other?”
If DJT has done nothing wrong to warrant impeachment why is he withholding documents and refusing to allow his henchmen to honor lawful subpoenas? He claims he is the most transparent President in history, oh, and better than Abraham Lincoln. The scary thing is I think he believes himself.
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