Here it is the end of yet another year and of the decade. All the news outlets are running articles on what has happened so I will not bother.
The light has changed imperceivably. It’s the time to look forward, especially in the garden world. I hauled several bags of compost into the greenhouse. They had been outside in the rain, snow and cold since I purchased them on sale at the year-end closing of Heather Gardens.
If we get a series of sunny days it should warm up just enough in the greenhouse to thaw them. I like to fill several large plastic pots in order to receive some kale, spinach and lettuce seeds. They will take some time to germinate but should come along by mid-February.
Mid-day in a greenhouse on a cold winter’s day is very pleasurable and hopeful. It is especially nice for me this year since I have a couple of new canaries who are starting to sing.
I misunderstood my editor this week and did not have this column ready for pick-up on Monday morning. Oops. I am still handwriting and my editor has to decipher and type it weekly. Thank you.
By the time this paper comes out, folks will be eating leftovers from the Christmas meal, vacuuming pine needles and tinsel, figuring out where to put gifts, writing thank you notes and dreading those credit card bills. Our family has made an effort this year to avoid some of the aforementioned tasks.
I was able to worry some leeks and carrots from the ground to serve on Christmas Eve. Also, now is the time to start making sprouts in the kitchen. I use both alfalfa and fenugreek seeds. After a soak over night, they need several days in a jar in my chilly kitchen. Then I put them in colanders for twice daily rinsing as soon as they go into the colanders, I start a new batch in the jars. A steady supply insured. SBS has the tops for canning jars that allow for drainage.
Last week I gave everyone a break from DJT. Breaks over! As a writer I am aware I have very little power to change anyone’s mind. Nevertheless, I shall soldier on expressing my own opinion.
Eighty per cent of white evangelical Christians voted for and continue to support Donald Trump. But then Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today founded by Billy Graham, wrote a scathing editorial last week about the grossly immoral character of our president and called for his removal from office. Finally, someone attempting to actually state Christian values.
I’ve been thinking about the Holy Family heading into Bethlehem — cold, hungry about give birth with no place to stay. Our government under DJT wants to remove 700,000 people from food stamps. Then, during the two-year horrific Slaughter of Innocents, Mary and Joseph took their baby and fled into Egypt for refuge. They were not detained at the Egyptian border and had their child taken from them.
How do people who know and love the story of Christmas justify the policies of the Trump administration and still sleep at night?
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