My turkeys are puffing up and preparing for mating season. They are beginning to return for Sunday brunch which they skipped for several Sundays. I was thinking that a neighbor had taken over Sunday brunch. Perhaps after a few weeks the turkeys realized my menu was better. In any case, hey, like the dogs and cats, seem to appreciate that the humans are home more often now.

Last column, in thanking some of the many people who have made this crisis smoother, I neglected to mention the wonderful crew at Bunch of Grapes. Molly Coogan actually delivered a book I purchased over the phone to my front door. I so prefer dealing locally. And if you see the latest news about Amazon you will understand why local shopping is reinforced for me.

Katharine Poole, of Chilmark and Nashville, sent a note thanking all of us for our concern. She is still busy helping her adopted town clean up after the tornado. I am sure she has other helpful projects on her list now considering our new emergency.

I checked in with longtime seasonal resident, Gail Becker. She is doing well and thanks her amazing children and grandchildren for looking after her so well. It has now been one year since her husband Marty passed. I am sure Marty would recommend we all listen to classical music in these troubled times. Marty and Gail have always been great supporters of our Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society.

I learned Morning Glory Farm is postponing it’s much anticipated opening. This situation is wreaking havoc on all businesses. Nerves are pretty well frayed. After learning the new procedure of bringing our own reusable shopping bags to market, I found the policy has changed at Stop & Shop. And please, wipe your carts down and don’t leave used masks and gloves in them or anywhere on the ground. Thank you.

All Marines are tip-top with me but one of my faves is Woody Williams. Woody has a very good attitude about getting through this. He has learned to use Zoom and welcomes all to keep in touch with him that way. His gorgeous wife, Phyllis, also a veteran, is conducting her famous exercise classes from Zoom at her home. This is a couple who gets things done.

Our condolences to Leah Jampel and Ryan. Their lovely little companion, Milo, passed last week. I am so glad they had each other for so many years.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along my friend and colleague, columnist June Manning, last week. March 30 belonged to Gladys Thomas Toscano, and April 1 was the birthday for Whitney Vic and Catherine Elizabeth Young Buck. Many happy returns.