Here’s a series of bridge questions for you. If your left-hand opponent opens the bidding in one of a suit, your partner overcalls in another suit, and your right-hand opponent passes, you get a special name in bridge terminology. You’re the “advancer.” You have these choices:
• Pass
• Raise partner
• Bid a new suit
• Bid any level of NoTrump
• Cuebid opener’s suit
• Make a jump bid in a new suit
Of these choices, only 1) an unlikely 4NT (given West’s opening bid, 2) jumping in a new suit, and 3) cuebidding opener’s suit are forcing. That’s right: introducing a new suit at the lowest possible level is not forcing!
In one case, you hold these cards:
♠️ A K 6
♥️ 10 9 2
♦️ 10 9 8 7 6
♣️ 3 2
Here’s the bidding:
1 ♥️ 1♠️ Pass ?
A simple 2♠️ will do nicely.
In another case, you hold:
♠️ A K J
♥️ Q J 10
♦️ 9 8 7 6
♣️ 4 3 2
1♥️ 1♠️ Pass ?
Cuebid 2 ♥️. This bid is at first ambiguous. Partner should assume it’s a limit raise+ bid in support of spades. If you meant something else, you’ll correct with your next bid.
In a final test case, you hold:
♠️ A J
♥️ Q J 10
♦️ 9 8 7 6
♣️ 5 4 3 2
1♥️ 1♠️ Pass ?
Bid 1NT. Since partner may have made a light overcall, 1NT should show 8-10 high-card points and at least one stopper in LHO’s suit.
In this hand from Internet bridge, West is dealing, with no one vulnerable:
♠️ A K J 9 8 5
♥️ 10 9 4
♦️ 2
♣️ A 9 8
♠️ 10 3 ♠️ Q 7 6 2
♥️ K Q ♥️ 5 3
♦️ A J 10 6 4 3 ♦️ 9 8 5
♣️ K 5 4 ♣️ Q 7 3 2
♠️ 4
♥️ A J 8 7 6 2
♦️ K Q 7
♣️ J 10 6
The bidding proceeded as follows:
West North East South
1♦️ 1♠️ Pass 3 ♥️
Pass 4 ♥️ All Pass
Opening lead: ♠️10
South made the bid, with single losers in hearts, diamonds and clubs.
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