Sailor's Full Moon

This weekend the gibbous moon passes by the planets Jupiter and Saturn before becoming full on Monday night.

The moon and planets are in proximity to the constellation Capricornus. Tomorrow night you’ll find the moon closest to Jupiter. Jupiter is the brighter of the two planets and it is coming out of the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius and slowly moving towards Capricornus.

On Sunday night, the moon is closest to the ringed-planet Saturn. All three celestial objects are a pretty sight as they rise in the eastern sky after sunset.

Monday night’s Sailor’s Full Moon will dominate the sky through the night. With such a bright moon, the chances of your seeing distant Comet NEOWISE is really difficult in the coming week, without an optical aid. The comet is now under the Big Dipper and headed towards and under the bright star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes. Comets are hardest to find on the nights of a bright moon even with binoculars. 

Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 31 5:34 8:00
Sat., August 1 5:35 7:59
Sun., August 2 5:36 7:58
Mon., August 3 5:37 7:57
Tues., August 4 5:38 7:56
Wed., August 5 5:39 7:55
Thurs., August 6 5:40 7:53
Fri., August 7 5:41 7:52
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
July 24 86 70 0.04
July 25 82 63 0.00
July 26 87 73 0.00
July 27 89 69 0.00
July 28 94 73 0.00
July 29 90 70 0.00
July 30 88 70 0.03


Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 77º F


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