At Friday night's Class Night ceremony held at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs, graduating seniors and post graduates received scholarships, grants and other awards totaling over $2 million, breaking the record set by the previous year’s event. A total of 114 of the 156 graduating seniors received awards, with every graduating senior who applied receiving at least one of the 483 scholarships.
Scholarships of $1,153,063 went to the class of 2021, with an additional $926,895 in funds going to post-graduates and other students.
John Fiorito, director of guidance at the regional high school, welcomed the class and their families at the start of the evening.
“Let me just offer you my sincerest congratulations,” he told the graduates. “You have my deepest respect for the way you showed up over the past 15 months and the way you stepped up as supporting members of our community.”

Mr. Fiorito noted that despite fears the pandemic would hurt fundraising efforts, the Island community supported graduates stronger than ever before. He said the guidance department, which oversaw the scholarship program, “was floored by the extent to which the community rallied.”
Senior Jackson Wojnowski addressed the crowd before the awards were handed out.
“We are here being given support for our future plans, in part due to charity and our past accomplishments and displays of merit, but mainly we’re being given the support in simple good faith that we will use our futures, our gift of life well,” he told his classmates.
“Let’s not take it lightly, let’s not coast,” he added. “Let’s deeply consider how we can best live for ourselves and the people at our backs and at our sides.”
The ceremony had a jubilant atmosphere, with many scholarship announcements triggering hoots, hollers and thundering applause from the crowd. All aspects of the Island community were represented among the scholarship presenters. Local business owners, educators, volunteers, coaches and parents walked up to the podium to award students for their academic, athletic, technical, artistic and personal achievements.
For those giving memorial scholarships, the night was emotional. Tricia Bergeron presented the Eric Bergeron MacLean Memorial Boys Hockey Scholarship in honor of her late son.
“Students, don’t make your mom stand up here next year, please,” she told the seniors.
A surprise award earned a standing ovation from the entire senior class. Doug Best, presenting the D. Best Construction Scholarship, announced that his generosity for the seniors would not be limited to just that one award. In addition to the scholarship, Mr. Best pledged to give $100 to every member of the graduating class to cover future travel and other academic expenses.
Amongst the biggest scholarships of the night were the MVYouth Awards, in the form of both college and workforce development scholarships.
“All of our scholarships are last dollar funding scholarships, filling the gap left after families contribute and after schools offer institutional funding,” executive director Lindsey Scott explained. “Our scholarship awards are based on both merit and need, and range specifically to each student, anywhere between $2,000 to $40,000 per year. Our funding follows students for all four years of college or for the entire program with their technical training.”
Ms. Scott and other representatives of the organization also handed out backpacks to the winning recipients, each containing an iPad and a $1,000 gift card to cover books and other school supplies.
At the end of the evening Principal Sara Dingledy expressed deep gratitude to the donors who made the evening possible.
“We are deeply appreciative of the gifts that you send our students off into the world with, the gift of a dream realized,” Ms. Dingledy said. “That can’t be underestimated.”
Class of 2021 Scholarships.
African American Heritage Trail: Michael Trusty.
Alice Blackwood Memorial Scholarship: Margaret Sykes, Emily Weyl.
Alida Carey Gulick Memorial Scholarship: Davi Butkowsky, Alexia Gardner.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #257 Scholarship: Alyssa Strelecki.
Boathouse Foundation Culinary, Hospitality and Recreation Scholarship: Joshua Billings, Symon Desouza.
Bradford & Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarship: Owen Atkins, Hope Bettencourt, Sydney Brown, Dylan Burke, Gabriella Carr, Colleen Carroll, Matthew D’Andrea, Petr Gillis, Kate Howell, Ciara Hoyt, Sarah Lytle, Aiden Marek, Stella Napior, Brandon Pinelli, Max Potter, Isaac Richards, Rachel Salop, Alyssa Strelecki, Isabella Thorpe, David Vaz, Gabriela Vieria, Lauren Voorhees, Michael Wallace, Ashtyn Watts.
Cape Cod Association Scholarship: Michaela Benefit, Caleb Burt, Tatum Carreiro, Madeline Chronister, Felix Colon, Ethan Creato, Ellie Dolby, Peter Gillis, Nathaeniel Porterfield, Ruby Reimann, Avery Simmons.
Cape Cod Community College Presidential High School Scholarship: Matthew Medeiros, David Vaz.
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Scholarship Award: Fiona Smilie.
Cape Cod Pride - Stan Samuelson Scholarship: Madeline Chronister, Joseph Cywinski.
Captain Frederick G. Bohenberger Scholarship Fund in Memory of Deputy Sheriff John Robert Kotfila, Jr.: Danielle Oteri.
Charles A. Davis Memorial Scholarship Offered by Martha’s Vineyard Education Association: Kate Howell.
Chilmark School PTO Scholarship Fund: Finley Monahan, Isabella Thorpe.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association - Betty Eddy Memorial: Brooks Carroll.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association - David Kurth Memorial: Finley Monahan
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association - William Smith Memorial: Isabella Thorpe.
Churchill Memorial Scholarship: Liam Dawley.
D. Best Construction Scholarship: Owen Metell, Josey Sylva.
Daughters of the American Revolution - Good Citizen Award: Hope Bettencourt.
Daughters of the American Revolution / MV Seacoast Defense Chapter Liberty Pole Scholarship: Sarah Lytle.
Daughters of the American Revolution/Martha’s Vineyard Seacoast Defense Chapter in Memory of Fannie Allen Deane: Dylan Burke.
David & Mary Golart Memorial Scholarship: Amanda Moraes, Fiona Smilie.
David Campbell Memorial Scholarship: Kaya Seiman.
Davin A. Tackabury Memorial Scholarship for the Arts: Summer Riordan.
Davin A. Tackabury Memorial Scholarship for Photography: Margaret Sykes.
Dorothy Block Memorial Scholarship: Emily Anderson.
Dorothy West Scholarship Fund: Ellie Dolby, Lily Jones, Izabella Morris, Grace O’Malley, Jackson Wojnowski.
Dr. Edward Worth Scholarship: Matthew D’Andrea.
Dukes County Deputy Sheriff’s Assoc. Scholarship: Hope Bettencourt, Hannah Gibb, Leo Neville.
Edgartown Firemen’s Association Scholarship: Ethan Creato, Kasey Varkonda.
Edgartown Patrolman’s Association Scholarship: Michaela Benefit, Ethan Creato, Ellie Dolby.
Edgartown School PTA Scholarship: Tristan Blair, Larissa De Oliveira, Zach Ward.
Edmond G. Coogan Award: Marcellus Rubio.
Eileen Mayhew May Memorial Scholarship Award in Creative Writing: Lily Jones.
Eleanor Petricone Scholarship: Marcellus Rubio.
Elizabeth A. Eddy Memorial Scholarship: Sydney Bierman, Liam Dawley, Ana Clara Lopes, Hemily Nascimento, Brendon Pires, Deborah Silva.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Scholarship: Parker Ben David, Joshua Billings, Nicholas De Paula, Ellie Dolby, Hannah Gibb, Lily Jones, Leo Neville, Grace O’Malley, Nathaniel Porterfield, Marcellus Rubio, Margaret Sykes, Emily Weyl.
Eric Bergeron MacLean Memorial Varsity Hockey Scholarship Provided by the MVRHS Hockey Booster Club: Aiden Marek.
Esta and Robert Epstein Scholarship presented by the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society: Izabella Morris.
Ethel A. Wood Memorial Scholarship: Avery Simmons.
Falmouth Lodge #2380 B.P.O. Elks Club Scholarship: Hannah Gibbs.
Foster Silva Scholarship: Jacob Gurney.
General George W. Goethals Post #257 of the American Legion Scholarship: Chloe Combra.
Geoff Pease Memorial Scholarship: Summer Riordon.
Georgia Roth Scholarship Fund: Davi Butkowsky, Alexia Gardner, Braden Sayles, Fiona Smilie.
Gretchen Manter Memorial Scholarship: Ava Maggi.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship: Parker Ben David, Ava BenDavid, Hope Bettencourt, Joshua Billings, Colleen Carroll, Chloe Combra, Michael Cosgrove, Ethan Creato, Joseph Cywinski, Ellie Dolby, Alexia Gardner, Hannah Gibb, Jacob, Gurney, Mia Jeffers, Amanda Moraes, Stella Napior, Leo Neville, Nathaniel Sawyer, Margaret Sykes, Michael Trusty, Micah Vought, Willa Welch, Emily Weyl, Jackson Wojnowski.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in memory of Louis R. Toscano: Peter Gillis.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in Memory of Sean Murphy: Ellie Dolby.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in Memory of Timothy Fullin: Andrew Marchand, Isabella Vasiliadis.
Hutker Architects, Inc. Design Scholarship: Owen Metell.
Iris, Bettie and Wanza Davis Family Memorial Scholarship: Mia Jeffers.
Jake Sequoia Baird Memorial Award: Nathaniel Sawyer, Madeline Youmans.
Javan E. Bayne Memorial Scholarship: Marcellus Rubio.
John G. Rogers Memorial Scholarship: Emily Weyl.
John, Elise,and Ellen Goepper Scholarship: Sydney Brown, Felix Colon, Amanda Moraes, Danielle Oteri, Ana Clara Ribeiro.
Joseph A. Jones Memorial Scholarship: Trent Bilodeau.
Kevin Johnson Cross Country Scholarship Award: Nathaniel Porterfield, Margaret Sykes.
League of Women Voters of MV Scholarship: Michael Noel.
Library Friends of Oak Bluffs Richard C. Brown Memorial Scholarship: Caleb Burt.
Lillian B. Perry Memorial Scholarship: Alyssa Strelecki, Peter Vincent.
Look, Dolby, Rebello Scholarship Provided by Steamship Authority Employees in Memory of David Look, Brian Dolby, Christopher Rebello, Rufus Peterson and Peter Duart: Ellie Dolby.
Louis Toscano Memorial Scholarship: Ashtyn Watts.
Louise, Sven, and Anna Betty Carlson Scholarship Fund: Keaton Aliberti, Emily Anderson, Owen Atkins, Parker Ben David, Ava BenDavid, Hope Bettencourt, Sydney Bierman, Josh Billings, Trent Bilodeau, Tristan Blair, Joshua Brown, Sydney Brown, Dylan Burke, Caleb Burt, Davi Butkowsky, Lydia Carlos, Gabriella Carr, Tatum Carreiro, Brooks Carroll, Colleen Carroll, Felix Colon, Michael Cosgrave, Ethan Creato, Brooke Crocker, Amber Cuthbert, Joseph Cywinski, Mattew D’Andrea, Liam Dawley, Nicholas De Paula, Symon Desouza, Ellie Dolby, James Dyke, Alexia Gardner, Hannah Gibb, Peter Gillis, Kate Howell, Ciara Hoyt, Mia Jeffers, Lily Jones, Vitor Lage, Ana Clara Lopes, Sarah Lytle, Ava Maggi, Andrew Marchand, Aiden Marek, Hunter Meader, Matthew Medeiros, Owen Metell, Erick Miller, Finley Monahan, Amanda Moraes, Izabella Morris, Stella Napior, Hemilly Nascimento, Thalita Neves, Leo Neville, Michael Noel, Marina Nunes, Grace O’Malley, Danielle Oteri, Charlotte Packer, Brandon Pinelli, Brendon Pires, Nathaniel Porterfield, Max Potter, Klara Reimann, Ana Clara Ribiero, Isaac Richards, Summer Riordon, Aden Ross, Marcellus Rubio, Rachel Salop, Nathaniel Sawyer, Braden Sayles, Oscar Shepherd, Deborah Silva, Avery Simmons, Emanuelly Simoes, Fiona Smilie, Zachary Smith, Owen Steenkamp, Alyssa Strelecki, Margaret Sykes, Josey Sylva, Isabella Thorpe, Brian Torres, Michael Trusty, Maria Uhry, David Vaz, Gabriela Viera, Peter Vincent, Lauren Voorhees, Micah Vought, Michael Wallace, Zachary Ward, Ashtyn Watts, Emily Weyl, Jackson Wojnowski, Madeline Youmans.
Luke Gurney Memorial Scholarship Fund: Caleb Burt, Michael Noel, Owen Steenkamp.
Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Scholarship: Marcellus Rubio, Micah Vought.
Martha’s Vineyard Art Association/Old Sculpin Art Gallery Scholarship: Summer Riordon.
Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Tatum Carreiro, Chloe Combra, Leo Neville, Nate Porterfield.
Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association Scholarship: Marcellus Rubio, Zachary Ward.
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society - Caroline Worthington Scholarship: Emily Weyl.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation: Alfred F. Ferro & Arthur T. Silva Scholarship Fund, Owen Atkins, Sydney Brown; Anne Medeiros Kent Scholarship Fund, Rachel Salop; Blankenship/Hughes Scholarship Fund, Joshua Billings; Donna Dolinsky and Vincent Reid Memorial Scholarship Fund; Thalita Neves; Embarking Peacemaker Award, Larissa De Oliveira, Ava Maggi, Avery Simmons, Jackson Wojnowski; George R. and Maragaret Yates Fund, Vitor Lage, Finley Monahan, Thalita Neves, Michael Trusty, Ashtyn Watts; Harriet N. Goldberg Fund, Caleb Burt, Jacob Gurney, Zachary Ward; Inspiration Fund, Hannah Gibb, Ava Maggi, Emanuelly Simoes, Margaret Sykes; Island Community Chorus Peter R. Boak Music Award, Emily Weyl; James S. and Violet M. Rego Scholarship Fund, Ethan Creato, Leo Neville, Braden Sayles, Zachary Smith, Michael Trusty, Emily Weyl; Katherine Harding Deeble Scholarship, Chloe Combra, Matthew D’Andrea; Keith A. Dodge Scholarship Fund, Jackson Wojnowski; Our Island Club Scholarship, Jackson Wojnowski; Thomas H. and Barbara Fish Lee Scholarship Fund, Owen Steenkamp; Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission (MVAC) Aviation Scholarship, Ciara Hoyt; Walter and Irene Dumais Scholarship Fund, Parker Ben David, Dylan Burke, Tatum Carreiro, Felix Colon, Ellie Dolby, Peter Gillis, Lily Jones, Grace O’Malley, Charlotte Packer, Nathaniel Porterfield, Isaac Richards, Avery Simmons, Jackson Wojnowski; Wendy WeismanJankinson Culinary Arts Fund, Marcellus Rubio; Will Luckey Music Award, Emily Weyl.
Martha’s Vineyard Educators Association - Education Scholarship: Stella Napior, Charlotte Packer.
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club Scholarship: Michael Noel.
Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council Scholarship in Memory of William M. Honey: Isabella Thorpe.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Scholarship Fund Hospital Scholarship Fund: Nathaniel Porterfield, Ana Clara Ribeiro.
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency, Inc. Scholarship: Hannah Gibb.
Martha’s Vineyard/NAACP Scholarship: Marcellus Rubio, Michael Trusty.
MVRHS Baseball & Softball Diamond Club Booster Scholarship: Keaton Aliberti, Mikey Cosgrave, Andrew Machand, Leo Neville, Nate Porterfield, Isaac Richards.
MVRHS Field Hockey Booster Club Scholarship: Ellie Dolby, Ava Maggi, Ava Ben David, Ruby Reimann, Avery Simmons.
MVRHS Memorial Scholarship: Owen Atkins, Sydney Brown, Brandon Pinelli, Maria Uhry.
Minnesingers Excellence Award: Mia Jeffers, Kaya Seiman, Margaret Sykes.
MVRHS Outstanding Career Technical Education Award: Ana Clara Lopes.
Martha’s Vineyard Rotary Diana Bardwell Memorial Scholarship: Eric Reubens.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Ed Jerome Memorial Scholarship: Jacob Gurney.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Gregg Dougherty Memorial Scholarship: Owen Steenkamp.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Ray Ellis Memorial Scholarship: Emily Weyl.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Scholarship: Caleb Burt, Brooks Carroll, Nathaniel Sawyer, Kasey Varkonda, Zachary Ward.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Theodore C. Howes Memorial Scholarship in Oceanographic: Michael Noel.
Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association Scholarship: Jacob Gurney, Owen Steenkamp.
MV Hoop Club Scholarship: Kylie Estrella, Michael Trusty.
MV Touchdown Club Scholarship: Janes Dyke, Aden Ross, Braden Sayles, Oscar Shepherd.
Martha’s Vineyard United Soccer Scholarship in Memory of Michael Fararca: Finley Monahan.
Martha’s Vineyard United Soccer Scholarship in Memory of Susan Parker: Ruby Reimann.
Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship Scholarship: Lydia Carlos, Jacob Gurney, Molly Menton.
MVYouth: Semi-Finalist/Backpack Gift: Davi Butkowsky, Chloe Combra, Ana Clara Lopes, Owen Metell, Nathaniel Porterfield, Ana Clara Ribeiro, Marcellus Rubio, Nate Sawyer, Owen Steenkamp. College Scholarship: Brooke Crocker, Larissa De Oliveira, Maria Clara Lacerda, Ruby Reimann, Eric Reubens, Kaya Seiman, Willa Welch. Workforce Development Scholarship:. Michaela Benefit, Madeline Chronister.
Marvin Joslow Memorial Award (AGHCA): Finley Monahan.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship: Ava Maggi, Margaret Sykes, Emily Weyl.
Massachusetts Shellfish Officers Association Scholarship: Jacob Gurney
Mebbit Morano Memorial Scholarship: Eric Reubens.
Mildred T. Morano Memorial Scholarship: Zach Ward.
Oak Bluffs Fireman’s Civic Association Scholarship: Joshua Billings, Hannah Gibb, Andrew Marchand, Ana Clara Ribeiro, Marcellus Rubio, Micheal Trusty, Micah Vought.
Oak Bluffs Patrol Officers Anthony J. Bonito Memorial Scholarship: Andrew Marchand.
Oak Bluffs Patrol Officers Anthony J. Bonito Memorial Scholarship: Leo Neville.
Olga & Henry B. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Owen Atkins, Alexia Gardner, Sarah Lytle, Matthew Medeiros, Brandon Pinelli, Emanuelly Simoes, Josey Sylva, Maria Uhry, David Vaz, Gabriela Vieira.
Oriental-Martha’s Vineyard Lodge of A.F. & A.M. Scholarship: Braden Sayles, Micah Vought.
Our Island Club Marine Technology Scholarship: Brooks Carroll.
Our Island Club Nursing Career Scholarship: Ana Clara Riberio.
Paul F. Kerns, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Michael Trusty, Michael Wallace.
Peter L. DeBettencourt Memorial Scholarship: Joshua Billings, Mia Jeffers, Michael Trusty.
Principal’s Leadership Award: Chloe Combra, Vitor Lage.
Procter Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Braden Sayles.
Rachael V. Williams Memorial Scholarship: Matthew Medeiros.
Ray Ellis Art Scholarship: Rachel Salop.
Robert F. Scudder Memorial Scholarship: Caleb Burt.
Ryan Mone Academic Awards: Izabella Morris, Michael Trusty.
Ryan Mone Memorial Boys Varsity Hockey Scholarship Provided by the MVRHS Hockey Booster Club: Michael Wallace.
Sail MV Donald Rappaport Legacy Scholarship: Caleb Burt.
Scottish Society of MV Scholarship: Trent Bilodeau, Tristan Blair, Felix Colon, Chloe Combra, Charlotte Packer.
Sidra Bullard Dumont Memorial Scholarship: Emily Weyl.
St. John’s Holy Ghost Society Scholarship: Josephy Cywinski.
Superintendent’s Award: Eric Reubens.
The Cottager’s, Inc. Scholarship: Alexia Gardner, Michael Trusty.
Tisbury Firefighter’s Association Scholarship: Colleen Carroll, Jacob Gurney, Hunter Meader, Charlotte Packer, Eric Reubens, Owen Steenkamp, Michael Trusty, Jackson Wojnowski.
Tisbury Police Relief Association College Scholarship: Leo Neville.
Tisbury Police Relief Memorial Technical / Trade School Scholarship: Michael Trusty.
Tony Bonito Scholarship: Joshua Billings.
University of Massachusetts - Amherst Cape Cod Alumni Network Scholarship: Tatum Carreiro.
University of Rhode Island Scholarship in Memory of Ryan Mone: Erick Miller.
Vineyard Cribbage Club Scholarship: Brooks Carroll.
Vineyard Golf Club/Ray Ellis Caddie Scholarship Award: Peter Gillis.
Vineyarder Award: Nate Sawyer, Margaret Sykes.
Walter F. & Dora Grain Memorial Scholarship: Larissa De Oliveira, Maria Clara Lacerda, Marina Nunes.
West Tisbury Volunteer Firefighter’s Civic Association Arnold M. Fischer & John T. Cotterill Memorial Scholarship: Molly Menton, Micah Vought.
William Bradford Whiting Memorial Scholarship: Ava Maggi.
William Henry Smith Memorial Scholarship: Sydney Bierman, Gabriella Carr, Nicholas Lytle, Hunter Meader, Gabriela Vieira.
Post-Graduate and Other Scholarship Awards and Recipients.
Bradford and Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarships: Tyson Araujo, Owen Bresnick, Michael Courtney, Carolyn Duarte, Ayanna Fhagen-Smith. Ennis Foster, Astoria Hall, Angela Hayes, Miles Jordi, Vitoria Krasa, David Krauthhamer, Kya Maloney, Amber Medeiros, Katherine Morse, Anna Nitardy, Amanda Pachico, Tyla Packish, Mia Pagliccia, Larner Eben Peak, Molly Pogue, Paige Pogue, Owen Porterfield, Hannah Rabasca, Eamon Sayles, Ruby Suman, Sarah Thomas.
Bradford Pachico Memorial Scholarship: Jaselle Wildanger.
D. Best Construction Scholarship: Mia Arenburg.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Memorial Scholarship Trust: Richard Barlett, Pandora Bassett, Amanda Bernard, Sigal Bezahler, Ashley Biggs, Molly Carroll, Isabelle Custer, Morgan Estrella, Allyse Guyther, Chad Guyther, John Habekost, Blake Leasure, Jovanna Lowell-Bettencourt, Raven McCormack, Lila Norris, Lauren Pagliccia, Samantha Robinson, Juan Sanchez-Roa, McMahon Sykes, Ian Trance, Carly Uva, Colby Zarba.
Esta and Robert Epstein Scholarship Presented by the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center: Jada Chatman, Raven McCormack, McMahon Sykes.
George M. and Edith H. Codding Scholarship: James Codray, William Hermann, Owen Porterfield.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation: Albridge C. and Margaret Righter Smith Scholarship: Isabella Custer; Betty Ann Lima-Bryant Scholarship Fund: Sigal Bezahler; Caroline A. Secor Scholarship Fund: Kiana Casey; Donna Dolinsky and Vincent Reid Memorial Scholarship Fund: Reinaldo Dos Santos; Dr. Clement N. Amaral and Vera E. Amaral Scholarship Fund: Amanda Bernard, Kiana Casey, Samantha Robinson; Dr. David Rappaport Memorial Scholarship Fund: Samantha Robinson; George R. and Margaret A. Yates Memorial Scholarship Fund: Jasselle Wildanger; Harriet N. Goldberg Fund: Joseph Serpa; Inspiration Fund: Sigal Bezhaler, Reinaldo Dos Santos, Allyse Guyther, Andrea Guyther, Chad Guyther, Belle Hattingh, Gus Hoy, Vitoria Krasa, Blake Leasure, Jovanna Lowell-Bettencourt, Kaycee Smith, Mataya Trusty; James S. and Violet M. Rego Scholarship Fund: Margaret Burke, Violet Cabot; Katherine Harding Deeble Scholarship Fund: Owen Porterfield, Lia Potter; Mary I. Medeiros Memorial Scholarship Fund: Andrea Guyther; Mrs. Agnes Mello Scholarship Fund: Molly Carroll; Rusty Flack Scholarship Fund: Michael Courtney; Thomas H. Lee and Barbara F. Lee Scholarship Fund: Julia Kane; Walter and Irene Dumais Scholarship Fund: Annabelle Cutrer, Simone Davis, Morgan Estrella, Ayanna Fhagen-Smith, Angela Hayes, Adam Knight, David Krauthamer, Katherine Morse, Lila Norris, Lily Pigott, Molly Pogue, Paige Pogue, Owen Porterfield, Samuel Rollins, Juan Sanchez-Roa, Eamon Sayles, Ruby Suman, McMahon Sykes, Elizabeth Williamson: Wendy Weisman Jenkinson Culinary Arts Fund: Greta Gannon, Ryan Laslovich.
Martha’s Vineyard Rotary - Diana Bardwell Memorial Scholarship: Imani Hall, Colin Henke, Rose Engler.
Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship Scholarship: Megan Carroll, Dash Christy, Greg Clark, Sadie Dix, Alley Estrella, Curtis Fisher, Kim Garrison, Joao Goncalves, Jenaleigh Griffin, Rebecca Hodgson, Haven Huck, Angela Luckey, Kelly McCarron, Jada Randolph, Matteus Scheffer, Victoria Scott, Mark Turner.
MVYouth: College Cohort 2021: Ellie Thomas; College and Workforce Development Scholarships: Nicolas Andre, Samuel Bresnick, Peter Burke, Sam Cranston, Marissa D’Antonio, Emanuel DaSilva, Josue Dos Santos, Rose Engler, Andres Garcia, Imani Hall, Emily Hewson, Jack Holmes, Shannon Levesque, Louise McDonald, Danielle Middleton, Isabella Morais, Josephine Orr, Nayson Peres, Jackson Pizzano, Spender Pogue, Alexandra Rego, Stephany Ribeiro, Meghan Sawyer, Emma Searle, Max Smith, Meghan Sonia, Zephrine Thomspon.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship Program: Samantha Cassidy.
Procter Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund: Ennis Foster, Zachary Moreis, Hoffman Hearn.
Tisbury Waterways, Inc. (TWI) Environmental Studies Scholarship: Justine Cassel.
Vineyard Golf/Ray Ellis Caddie Scholarship: Benny Binder, Zack Danz, Max Santos, Finn Simpkins.
West Tisbury Firefighter’s Civic Association Arnold M. Fischer and Scholarship: James Codray, Alley Estrella, Morgan Estrella, Evelyn Medeiros, Amanda Pachico, Andrea Pachico, Colby Zarba.
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