What is happening nowadays in Edgartown is disturbing, a cause for alarm. Developers are scooping up multiple properties, which they have every right to do. But it does not take long before plans are submitted that continue to change the character of these residential areas. With an increase in the number of rooms, increasing the size of pools with bars, adding large spas, and still coming up with other proposals, these developers are asking to do far more than what the properties can handle.
And when they are turned down, they fight for what they must have. The Harbor View lawyers argue that “the conditions imposed on the spa and hotel could render it financially untenable.” I doubt it.
Opening a very large spa, open to the public in this beautiful residential area, should be out of the question. People from all over the Island could spend the day. Where in the world would they park? Parking is already a huge issue, everywhere.
Payment for services must be added to the room to assure that only guests have these privileges.
The Kelly House has recently changed hands and plans have been submitted for approval. In this extremely congested area, it appears that an addition will be added to the little building at the corner of Kelly Street and Dock Street, to be used for fine dining. The pool and bar will be moved and enlarged, possibly taking up a large number of parking spots which Edgartown cannot afford to lose.
I became a Vineyarder, born in the old Oak Bluffs hospital on Nov. 1, 1937 on my mother’s birthday. I grew up in the hotel business and loved my childhood. It is my hope that a much younger generation will help to shape their nowadays.
Take care of this precious Island.
Carol Lisa Chirgwin Fligor
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