It is a whirlwind, midsummer event dream on-Island now. Very hot and much too dry but no one is slowing down.

Amber Willoughby just returned from a wonderful family reunion vacation on a lake in Maine. She met up with her sisters, their children and their in laws. This is becoming an annual event. Amber is back at her post at Morning Glory Farm.

Kimberly Stokes Beal and her partner Chris Voigt have returned to Connecticut after a refreshing Island sojourn. Hopefully we’ll see Kim again at the end of August.

Born and bred Islander Sammy Jo BenDavid has crossed the big water with her children for a welcome visit. I have loved this woman since she was a wee child.

There is no down time this month. Margot Datz will have her annual art show on August 6 at the Grange Hall. Many new works are being offered. I’ll see you there.

Jackie and Gretchen Baer are preparing their next art show at the Cleopatra Lounge for Saturday, August 13 from 5 to 9 p.m. Come hear DJ Jamie Alley and view the latest works by Jackie and Gretchen.

Janet Messineo-Israel took the long trip up-Island to the re-opened Homeport to view the wall of taxidermied fish she created years ago. She is another amazing Island artist.

The All-Island art show took place for two days at the Tabernacle. Among the great entries, two of my favorite artists — Billie Jean Sullivan and Kathy Poehler — had work there. This show has been held for 40 years.

The Flying Elbows will entertain on Saturday, August 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Native Earth Teaching Farm in Chilmark. All are welcome but no dogs please! This fundraiser will benefit a cultural center in Haiti.

Close to my heart is Ladysmith Black Mambazo. They will perform at the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center on August 16 at 7 p.m. Get tickets through Ticketmaster. You will love it!

Gisele and Joalser Nascimento went to Gillette Stadium last week for the Elton John concert. This was an early birthday event for Gisele, who celebrated her day on August 1.

The passing of a great man for our team, our state and our country: Bill Russell. The wonderful stories about him just keep rolling in.

What have we on the birthday bandwagon? I share my August 3 birthday with some great people: cousin Patty Mead, Tom Colligan, Tom Brady and Tony Bennett. Barack Obama and Elaine Klein follow on August 4. Many happy returns.