Last Thursday’s tiny amount of rain made us all in garden world so happy. It wasn’t enough to warrant the donning of rain gear but, nonetheless, perfectly pleasant for outdoor work. Then, as luck would have it, the stage was set for several days of lower temperatures and humidity. Whoopie!

I hope we skate another year in the hurricane department. For starters, I noticed more than a mile on the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road on the Edgartown end where there are tons of trees that need pruning. They are entwined in the electric lines. Just saying!

I’ve been making a half-hearted effort to plant a fall garden. The onion beds are ready to receive some cabbages, kales and lettuce. I keep threatening to get out my seed box but, honestly, it’s so easy to get distracted.

I did manage to put in some cucumber seeds a few weeks ago. They take a mere 60 days so they should be ready way before our first freeze. Sometimes timing isn’t everything. As the light changes going into fall, some crops simply need longer days, regardless of the temperature falling a bit.

I was wondering if bindweed is a catch-all word for any invasive vine. I think it’s the wild morning glory that is completely out of control. I know I’m the queen of superlatives but 20 feet long is not an exaggeration. Never mind the root that goes on forever and a tiny piece will send up another vine. There is no hope.

I’ve had trumpet vine appear suddenly in the vegetable garden. From where, I know not. Great, though. I love it. I think I’ll put up some sort of support for it. The Fourway on Franklin street used to have an impressive one. I forgot to notice this year. I think it was on the wall since the Eldridge sisters lived there. They were the captain’s daughters of Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book fame.

The summer-blooming alliums are covered with all sorts of bees. Who knew there were so many different ones, ranging in size from huge bumble bees to the tiny sweats?

Rose of Sharon is putting out its best show. Pay attention as they throw hundreds of babies. Most need to be weeded out but a few can be moved to a new location.

I use cloth hoses on the job sites. I can carry them around easily and they keep me sane. The coiling of other people’s vinyl ones usually puts me over the edge. The following is a word to the wise. (I only know what not to do by doing it a couple of times.)

If the pressure is left in a cloth hose, it will explode. Trust me on this one.

Both Veronica and salvia can be deadheaded to produce another nice round of blooms.

David at Heather Gardens is a plant genius. He always makes a great suggestion for a problem area and starts much of his own material from home-saved seed.

As a lifelong Democraft and an annoying political junkie, I never imagined a world in which I would root for a Cheney. Liz has gained my utmost respect. Her concession speech in Wyoming on Tuesday night showed her love of country and desire to live by a code of honor not personal gain. I’m sure she is living rent-free in the head of DJT. The thought of that, I confess, gives me a bit of fiendish delight.