Winter is on the wane and so is the woodpile. Splitting, hauling, nightly fires that crackled and glowed while outdoors the wind howled — all have been a centerpiece of daily life through December and January.

There are still fires these days, but other distractions have begun to intrude: a western sky streaked with shades of deep pink late in the day, brave snowdrops and crocuses pushing up through cold, dark earth in south-facing places. Someone emailed the Gazette last week with a report of the first pinkletinks. Soon there will be other harbingers.

Old man winter hasn’t retired yet and can be counted on to deliver a few more punches before the spring equinox arrives. Still, as February slips away, there’s a subtle shift in the psyche — less inward, more outward. It’s time to plan the kitchen garden.

Because spring is an idea we can all warm to.