From the July 22, 1920 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:

At her fascinating studio in Edgartown, Miss Enid Yandell entertained more than 80 guests at tea Saturday afternoon. A diverting as well as picturesque change from conventional bridge parties and the like was furnished by a novel contest, a battle of flowers.

At least half of the guests brought an arrangement of flowers that, banked on tables and chairs in the cool gray-walled studio, made a most attractive display. Prizes were awarded for the most effective arrangements.

Mrs. I. Richmond Hoxie was first, with a big straw hat, tied with great bows of ribbon, and concealing in its depths, a bowl of water that kept fresh and lovely the larkspur, snap dragon and pink roses that made a picture hat indeed. Miss Christine Pease took the second prize with an exquisite arrangement of brilliant yellow California poppies in a black bowl. The third prize went to Mrs. William Butler for an arrangement that was probably the most unique entry. Flowers of all the colors of flower you ever imagined and then some were so artfully contrived and combined with real rose leaves and stems that they actually vied with the real flowers on display. The white, cream colored, tan, yellow and brown products of “A. Cook” were pasted on an artist’s palette as a fitting background for such a work of art.

A dangerously-close contestant for honors was an arrangement of wild beach peas, babies breath and an occasional dull red bees’ balm in a natural wood basket. Somehow the owner’s card was mislaid, so that it could only be identified as “No. 17”. The youthful judges, Misses Anna Flynn, Polly Compton and Lenore Hoxie had to call upon Mr. Don Barbour, Miss Yandell’s brother in law for assistance in picking the winners among entries of such bewildering beauty. Mr. Barbour, an architect from New York, made the awards with a clever presentation speech. They were small models of fountains, two of them Miss Yandells own work.

Other striking and beautiful arrangements included: orange day lilies in a copper bowl, Mrs. A. B. Leonard; pink roses, Mrs. George D. Flynn; white hydrangeas and yellow Shasta daisies; Mrs. George Burke; purple thistle in a gray basket, Miss Marion Child; sweet peas, against a background of purple iris, Mrs. Arthur Freedlander; a single long and exquisite spray of white roses, Franklin D. Wheeler; pink roses, Mrs. A. L. Swasey; formal bouquet, Dr. John H. Cabot; black-eyed Susans, Mrs. William W. King; wall pocket, Miss Caroline Hale; formal bridal nosegay, Hon. William M. Butler.

A pleasant thing about entering a contest like this is that after it’s all over, you pick up your entry and take it home again, where it is just as charming to the eye as ever . . . That’s what happened after Miss Yandell’s tea where guests gazed upon the flowers, danced, enjoyed the delicious refreshments that included punch, cakes, candy and ice cream cones, and inspected bas reliefs and sculpture executed by their talented hostess.


Now Edgartown, on Martha’s Vineyard, is in revolt against a bathhouse proprietor who has posted rules against bare legs, half-hose, one-piece suits or skirts shorter than the knees, and the summer folk propose to establish a rival bathing beach with less prudish restrictions. Nantucket and Oak Bluffs apparently leave it to the bathers to dress—or undress—as fancy or preference may suggest, and it is seldom anything startling or shocking bursts on the vision at either beach. ­— Brockton Enterprise.


The Uncatena went into the mud near Vineyard Haven wharf on her early trip to New Bedford Tuesday morning, and did not get clear until the tide was half-flood at 12:15 when she steamed out under her own power.

The vessel was passing the breakwater on her way to the wharf when she had to check her headway and wait several minutes for three tugs to clear the end of the wharf. The wind was northwesterly and to avoid drifting to the other side of the harbor the Uncatena had to steer against the wind and she settled up toward the mud.

When the tugs finally left the wharf they passed the Uncatena three abreast and kept her close to the mud. She as unable to back on account of the tugs and sailboats anchored to one side hampered her still more. The distance was too short for steerageway and she did not answer her helm.

The result was that the tide, then at half-ebb, left the steamer in the mud. The only damage was caused by the well-meant assistance of one of the tugs. The tug was attempting to get the Uncatena off, but went ahead before her hawser was made fast in the right place on the steamboat. The bight of rope caught and stripped off the main railing and bulwarks for about 25 feet.

Frank Vincent in his sail-boat rescued the 30 passengers and the mails. The passengers reached Oak Bluffs in time for the 9 o’clock boat.

Compiled by Hilary Wallcox