Congratulations to Mike Colaneri for being awarded the Spirit of the Vineyard for 2024. He certainly deserves it.

A new book is out by Donald L. Ferris called Shipwrecks of Martha’s Vineyard. The book includes a long article by our Sam Low. Add this to your list and support your local bookstores.

I only get to visit with Linda Tydings Massaro annually. She lives in Florida now but grew up here. We are having a great visit, along with Dennis Von Mehren. They are both so much fun. Linda brought me cheesecake made by Jessica Oliver. It is delicious.

The West Tisbury library will have their summer reading program kick off on June 29 from 3 to 5 pm. Face painting, henna hair and a pinkletinks party will be included in the program.

Camp Jabberwocky greeted arriving campers on Sunday. The camp was established in 1953 by Helen (Hellcat) Lamb. It has served us well ever since.

Eight of our high school students just returned from Eugene, Ore. They attended the annual Nike Outdoor National Track and Field championship. Coach Joe Schroeder accompanied them. He said hey did very well.

Sadly, William (Bill) Stokes passed this week. He was the father of Kimberly, Carrie and Wes Stokes. He was a great summer resident and neighbor here in my neighborhood. Such a gentleman. He passed in Connecticut where he lived off season. Kimberly said hospice made him very comfortable at the end of his life.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along Jay Schofield and Christine Sherman Todd on June 24, and on June 25 Carly Simon and Jack O’Callaghan took the cake. Many happy returns.