The school kids won’t like to hear this but I really miss the sound of the school buses at my street corner in the morning —both elementary and high school.

I am sure you are all very busy now but I was hoping you could give me more personal news about your family events.

Meanwhile, our own Petey Berndt made the latest issue of Cape Cod Life magazine for his 40 years of Coop De Ville and Shuck Shack in Oak Bluffs. A hardworking man.

The Tisbury Street Fair was its usual great success.

Yay, our VTA has added another electric bus. We are doing well with this.

My dear friend, Kathy Poehler, had a reception for the opening of her new exhibit at the Old Sculpin Gallery. Her latest works in seaweed art are called Mermaids and More. Check it out.

Our Portuguese feast and parties are this weekend. On Saturday night, July 20, the fun begins at our P.A. Club from 5 to 10:30 p.m. On Sunday, July 21 the parade begins at 11:30 a.m., heading out from the P.A. club down through Circuit Avenue then back. I’ll see you there.

Mark your calendars for the Grange Hall in West Tisbury for July 30. The A Gallery will help Vineyard Harbor Homes with the art exhibit to benefit our homeless population on Island. I can’t wait to see the new art.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along Marsha Winsyrg and Stephanie Devine on July 2; Steve Nichols celebrated on July 4; Marie LeDonne partied on July 12; Peter Mania and Betsy H. Tierney shared July 16; and on July 17 my son Chris Clark took the cake. Many happy returns.