On July 18, 19 and 20 the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs welcomed our neighbors of all ages to the library and town hall for our annual summer book sale. Thanks to year-round community support and the success of the this year’s sale, the Library Friends can help fund the programs, services and collections of the Oak Bluffs Public Library.

Sincere appreciation to Library Friends volunteer el edwards for leading the book organization effort throughout the year, along with her team Barbara McKelvey, Carol Goldstein and Laurie Howick.

Huge thanks to all of our hardworking book sale volunteers: Steve Auerbach, Heather Boyle, Sharon Burbidge, Alison Cohen, Patt Dodds, el edwards, Joe Finocchio, Laurie Howick, Kris Kiehn, Bob LeBlanc, Peter Lyons, Betsy Marshall, Barb McKelvey, Paul McKelvey, Marilyn Miller, La Verne Mitchell, Muriel O’Rourke, Sue Ellen Piccus, Cynthia Redshaw, Diane Reed, Linda Rimkunos, Becky Rivera, Bonnie Stacy, Pat Steward, Marney Toole, Ron Zentner — and Isabel and Dylan, our teen volunteers.

Many thanks to the town of Oak Bluffs, especially town administrator Deb Potter and executive assistant Debra Alley for inviting us to transform the town hall large meeting room into a popular book shopping venue.

Thanks also to Rose Cogliano at the OBCOA for providing tables, Lt. Col. Kayla Pachico and to Tony, Ben and Jonathan at the Sheriff’s Department for transporting tables, and to Mover Mike and his crew from Sisco Family Services for donating their services to help with cleanup on the final day of sale.

The Library Friends extend our gratitude to library director Allyson Malik and the fantastic OBPL staff for their assistance and support all year long: Marco Daniels, Michelle Lynch, Mary Jane Aldrich-Moodie, Edil Babarosa, Jonathan Burke, Anna Marie D’Addarie, Maria Uhry, Amy K Nelson and Shivonne Schofield.

And of course, we greatly appreciate our community who generously gave their cherished books to our annual sale and then bought more. To all who helped make the 2024 book sale a success — we could not do it without you! See you in July 2025.

Patt Dodds, clerk of the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs