• Tim Johnson


Venus, the brightest planet in the evening sky is getting easier to see. Have you seen it yet? Venus sets almost an hour after the sun. It is so close to the setting sun, you need a clear view of the horizon and maybe some luck. Look only after the sun has set, perhaps almost a half hour.

In the weeks ahead Venus will get higher and easier to see. There is a slow process underway. Both the Earth and Venus are circling the Sun almost together. And soon Venus, going faster, will appear higher in our evening sky. This is good news. By the end of the year, by Christmas time, Venus will appear high, almost at its highest, in the western sky right after sunset.

We are not there yet. Venus is gradually getting closer to us and thus it will take months to be ideally placed. If you are out watching a sunset, take a few minutes to see if you can spot Venus. You might press your luck and look to the left of Venus for the much fainter planet Mercury. The two are about the same distance up from the horizon this weekend. Binoculars might help, but look only well after the sun has set.

Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 26 5:29 8:05
Sat., July 27 5:30 8:05
Sun., July 28 5:31 8:04
Mon., July 29 5:32 8:02
Tues., July 30 5:33 8:01
Wed., July 31 5:34 8:00
Thurs., August 1 5:35 7:59
Fri., August 2 5:36 7:58
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
July 19 86 68 0.00
July 20 80 64 0.00
July 21 82 71 0.00
July 22 85 66 0.00
July 23 83 66 0.21
July 24 74 65 T
July 25 72 64 T
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 73º F


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