I know I have said we needed rain, but I did not mean all at once. Monday the skies opened and we got all the rain we needed from the start of the month.

I know the birds enjoyed all the rain and were in the birdbaths the minute the rain stopped. Our resident frog at the nursery was in the big puddle in front of the big green house.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Gabriel de Souza, Heitor Lacerda and Maria Pizzico, who all celebrated August 18; Henry Banks, Carreik Roye, August 19; Gusttavo Dias, August 20; and to Rafhaella da Silva who celebrated August 21.

Congratulations to Justin and Kellyn Mercier on the birth of their daughter Addison Grace, who was born Wednesday August 14 at 7:30 p,m. Like her mother, Addison was born two weeks early. Addison also has a big brother Nolan who is very excited about his new sister. Congratulations to all.

One more week and it is Labor Day. It is the day many wait for and many dread. The traffic calms down some, the Stop & Shop lines are smaller, the teachers are back in their classrooms getting ready for their new year, parents are dropping off their children at college, some for their freshman year and others who are getting ready for their last year. Also, there are parents ready to send their little ones to kindergarten, and then the ones with seniors and getting college applications going. It gets busier in a different way than the hectic summer.

I only made it to the Fair. Illumination is beautiful but the crowds are to much for me, and the fireworks are beautiful but my friend Grace and I have been going to the Fair on the Friday night for the past 14 years together and why break tradition.

You can tell it was a good winter for crafters as the hall at the Fair was filled with beautiful quilts, knitted sweaters and hand-sewn clothes. Also, there were a lot of preserves and baked goods. It is always fun to see all the projects and all the ribbons on the winning objects. Congratulations to all.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.