Wildfire Protection Editors, Vineyard Gazette: Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation will begin cleaning up forest debris this week at the Phillips Preserve related to the southern pine beetle infestation. Our overall goal is to reduce the risk of wildfire. When completed, we will restore the trails and reopen the property to the public. We have hired Star Tree Wildfire Protection, LLC to conduct and supervise the work. The work involves skidding felled trees to a “landing” area near the Army Road, cutting the tops off the trees, piling the logs, and placing the tops and unusable logs in an “air curtain burner.” With the burner, we will safely burn off the flammable material. We hired Star Tree to conduct this work because they have an experienced burn boss on staff. The burner will operate between 9 a.m.

and 5 p.m., and only during weather conditions that are safe and appropriate. We estimate that the total project will take us two months to complete. We are operating in accordance with a permit issued by MassDEP.

If you have any questions, please call or email Adam Moore at 508-693-5207 or moore@sheriffsmeadow.org.

Adam Moore, president,

Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation