Editors, Vineyard Gazette;

How do we thank all the elves near and far, and even those we don’t know who they are?

They just show up when the time gets near

Saying to Susie or Sandy, “Let me help you this vear.”

They shop for sneakers and boots for the cold, snowsuits and p.j.’s or whatever they’re told.

Then those who gather puzzles, crayons and books, and if a kid wants to go fishing a rod and some hooks.

Then there’s the bikes of all shape and size

And baby dolls with real tears in their eyes.

All kinds of legos, crafts, and some cars,

All this for our children who hope for the stars. 

Our special “RON” bikes made many kids smile.

If they don’t grow too fast they will last for a while.

So another big thank you to every good elf.

Have a Merry Christmas for your families and self.

Sandy Joyce and Susie Wallo,

Co-directors of the Red Stocking Fund.