March 14, is Pi Day. If you think Pi is a famous Chinese architect, or the only human survivor (along with a tiger) on board a wrecked boat, back you go to arithmetic class.
I suppose Pi has been around forever, but Pi Day was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw of San Francisco and is celebrated world-round. The day was chosen because, as you will recall, the first numbers of Pi are 3, 1 and 4, just like March 14. Get it?
Meanwhile, spring preview events are happening outdoors. There is more light in the sky from the sun, with a boost from our reset clocks, and from the moon, which will be full this weekend. Suddenly I am hearing trills and whistles from the treetops, seeing new vegetation poking up through the khaki-colored grass and the piles of brown leaves, feeling more warmth in the breezes. And lately, savoring an occasional gloriously sublime afternoon.
It seems more miraculous than ever that the season is proceeding as it should. With so much chaos out there in the world, I cannot comprehend the new rules, the heartlessness of it all. So I celebrate spring, and Pi.
Spring break has arrived for the college crowd. Annabelle Brothers, a member of Yale’s Ultimate Frisbee team, traveled with her teammates this past weekend to play in the High Tide Ultimate Frisbee Tournament in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Dan and Jane Rossi were seen basking on a beach in Florida this past week. Also meeting up in Florida this week were long-time Vineyard buddies Pat Kelley and Jean Loud.
One of the joyous signs of the season is the spring concert by the group Music Street, who will perform works by youthful composers. The trio of musicians are cellist Thomas Barth, violinist Sophia Szokolay and the group’s founder and pianist Diana Katzenberg Braun. The program is at the library on Sunday at 3 p.m.
Check the Agricultural Society’s website for events happening several days each week. The list includes a nonstop series of activities to help farmers as well as gardeners and occasional plant growers like myself.
This coming week includes a workshop on pruning fruit trees on Saturday, March 15. Then a lesson on growing alliums takes place Monday at 5:30 p.m. On Wednesday, March 18 a workshop aims to help farmers deal with climate change on Wednesday. And on Thursday, March 20, there is a talk about tick prevention. The schedule includes activities for the kids as well. They may burn off some of that energy Sunday afternoon by riding scooters, tricycles, bicycles and playing games. Don’t forget to bring helmets for riders.
A birthday on a holiday is often a mixed blessing. March 17 is the big day for Molly Martone, Pat Kelley and Pickle Eville (who turns 17 on the 17th). I wonder if they ever roll their eyes at another green-frosted cake. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all, and to everybody.
Nobody on my list has a birthday today. If you know someone who does, give them a pie with a candle in it.
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