I’m sorry to admit it, but I am not a big fan of summer. For starters, it’s too hot, especially for us outside workers. Then there is the fact that it never gets dark. I know most people love the long daylight but I would like to stop at some point. Clearly, I have absolutely no self-discipline.

At any rate, the gardens are especially nice this year. The wonderful cool rainy spring did its job. Roses are spectacular, my apple trees are loaded with fruit, and so far I’m only hauling hoses for new plantings.

The monarda is wonderful this year. Because it is a member of the mint family, it is spreading all over in a most pleasing fashion. It’s in a “weedy” section of the garden — a meadow, really — among fleabane and vetch.

Over the years I have put several different varieties in the area. The bright red Jacob Cline, maroon Raspberry Wine and dark purple Purple Rooster are with a Panorama mix that I started from seed a decade ago.

I start most of my perennials from seed. Lucky for me, I have an unheated greenhouse so I am able to sow the seed at the beginning of February. Often these babies will bloom the first year. Lupine and hollyhocks seem to be tricked into thinking it’s their second season. Do they think?

I am a bit fickle. I have a new favorite plant, Spigelia marilandica. It is a native plant that adapts to either sun or shade. It gets about two feet tall. The flowers are an interesting red topped with a tiny lime green star. David at Heather Gardens is a genius. He starts many interesting plants from his personal stock. Spigelia is just one example.

I may have given the following lecture several times, but it bears repeating: deadheading of annuals is a must. The purpose of the flower in plant world is to ripen into a seed. Once that happens for annuals the plant has done its job. Removing the spent flower head forces the plant to, yet again, produce another flower. People, try not to be horrified watching your gardener removing blooms.

By the way, spent geraniums will snap right off — there is no need for clippers. Just follow the stem down to where it attaches to the main stalk. It’s a satisfying task.

On Sunday afternoon I attended the tenth anniversary celebration at Grey Barn. It was a coming out party for a new cheese. A good time was had by all. If you are in the neighborhood, check out the farm stand. The local farming community has really grown into an important part of Vineyard living.

As awful as DJT is, even worse is the First Daughter. She sold herself as a fierce advocate for women and children, and a moderating effect on her father.

A few weeks ago she was involved in the infamous DMZ meeting with a murderous dictator. This, apparently, is more important and/or photo-worthy than traveling to our southern border. How does she see the fate of women and children there? She has children. How can a person see those people so crowded and mistreated and not be moved?

Clearly, she has her father’s DNA. Their complete lack of empathy is remarkable. Neither she nor Dad ever can see personal wrongdoing. My dog knows when she does wrong.

I guess I should not blame her. Her schedule is full. After all, she has the fawning over Daddy posture to improve, and teeth to whiten.