On Sunday night take a look towards the western sky about a half hour after sunset. A thin crescent moon will appear near the bright planet Venus. If you’ve got binoculars you also see the red planet Mars right next to Venus. The two are so close together that a scope will help.
All three are low in the southwestern sky, so you’ll need a clear view of the horizon. The places to watch are all along the North Shore from Aquinnah to West Chop. And maybe from Chappaquiddick. Wherever you go for your favorite sunset in the summer is a super spot.
The crescent moon will move away on Monday night and the nights following, and the planets remain almost stationary.
Say goodbye to Mars, the planet is gradually getting closer and closer to the setting sun. It will be months before you see Mars again, but it will then be a morning planet.
Day | Sunrise | Sunset |
Fri., July 9 | 5:15 | 8:17 |
Sat., July 10 | 5:16 | 8:17 |
Sun., July 11 | 5:16 | 8:16 |
Mon., July 12 | 5:17 | 8:16 |
Tues., July 13 | 5:18 | 8:15 |
Wed., July 14 | 5:19 | 8:15 |
Thurs., July 15 | 5:19 | 8:14 |
Fri., July 16 | 5:20 | 8:14 |
Day | Max (Fº) | Min (Fº) | Inches |
July 2 | 85 | 66 | 0.27 |
July 3 | 71 | 60 | 0.06 |
July 4 | 65 | 57 | 0.92 |
July 5 | 67 | 56 | 0.01 |
July 6 | 73 | 64 | T |
July 7 | 84 | 67 | 0.02 |
July 8 | 86 | 68 | T |
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