Looking to extend the money-making season for beach parking, the Aquinnah select board approved three recommendations from a town parking committee Tuesday, including an electronic pay station at the Moshup Beach parking lot.
The pay station would allow for revenue collection in the shoulder seasons, when a parking attendant isn’t present at the lot.
“We’ll be able to capture revenue in that lot for three or four more months,” select board and parking committee member Thomas Murphy said.
The system is expected to cost around $15,000 to install, and the town will have to search for funding, board members said.
The committee also recommended the town extend the parking time limits at the Circle from one hour to 90 minutes, and add spaces by striping unstriped areas near the restrooms.
“This is a good start, but there’s more that’s going to be needed,” Mr. Murphy said.
The board also endorsed a revised article to create a Martha’s Vineyard housing bank, with a few criticisms.
Town administrator Jeffrey Madison said he would like to see a requirement that priority be given to projects in towns that have not met the state’s required affordable housing threshold (10 per cent as described in chapter 40B of Massachusetts general laws).
“I think the other towns need to catch up to Aquinnah,” Mr. Madison said.
Mr. Murphy also criticized the two per cent buyer’s fee on sales over $1 million, saying he would have preferred a one per cent seller’s fee.
Mr. Murphy said he’d like to see the article on the ballot as well as the town meeting warrant.
“I just think that’s the fair way to do it,” he said.
The board unanimously approved the updated article, with no decision yet on the ballot question.
Also Tuesday, the board reappointed Cathy Newman to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, and newly elected tribal councilman Kevin Devine introduced himself to the board.
“What I’m here to do is start rebuilding our relationship with Aquinnah,” he said. “We’ll see what the future holds . . . how we can start working together as a community again.”
— Aidan Pollard
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