It looks like this weekend is to be another rainy one. We all feel sorry for all the brides but the weddings went on, the parties were great and families were together. Congratulations to all and I am sure there are many stories to tell.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Sarah Martins and Nazare McIntosh who celebrated Oct. 9, Grady Phelps on Oct. 11, Charlotte Knapp on Oct. 12 and to Miles Brown who celebrates on Oct. 13.

Special birthday wishes go out to Cooper Gilkes, who celebrated a milestone birthday on Oct. 7. Cooper a quiet man who runs a tackle shop, fishes, hunts and ties flies. He is happiest telling his fishing and hunting experiences; he is always available to give advice to the anglers who pass through the shop especially if that person is under 18. He is now taking his grandchildren fishing and is waiting patiently to see if granddaughter Hunter Gilkes stays on the derby board. Happy Birthday, Coop, and here is too many more.

More signs of fall. The sky has that beautiful blue and the clouds are white and fluffy, the praying mantas are showing up everywhere. The Candy Bazaar offered out candy and ice cream for their last weekend. The nights are getting cooler and you can smell the burning firewood in the air. Families have been off apple picking so I am sure there is a smell of cinnamon and apples cooking in their houses. The maples are starting to turn their beautiful fall colors while other trees are losing their leaves and we are starting to try to keep up with the raking. The derby is winding down and now people are sitting in trees looking for deer. Scalloping season will open and dinners will be late.

It is a short column this week because all eyes are on the news and Israel. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all, especially the military. May they all come home safe.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.