On Christmas Eve, St. Nicholas was bustling about
And wondering if — with climate change —
He dared go round about
With Christmas gifts for girls and boys
Who lived around the world.
Year after year, he’d always flown
With boxes filled with toys
Since long before the airplane
or the popular iPhone.
But now the skies were filled with planes
‘Twas hard to tell his deer
The proper routes that they should take
To bring to all good cheer,
For in the sky were dangers
And on the ground, as well.
There’d be a flood or a tornado
In some country — or some dell.
But Santa Claus knew all the same
The reindeer had to go
With Christmas gifts for all the folk
Who were dwelling down below.
So off they flew across the sky
To seek a site to land
Where there’d be grass for deer to eat
With crunch, but nothing grand.
And Christmas lights inviting
Folk to come into a town.
It needn’t be enormous
But safe for putting down.
Then out across the ocean
Martha’s Vineyard came in view,
And Nick suggested landing,
To all his reindeer crew,
In Ocean Park in Oak Bluffs
When they above it flew.
It wasn’t as bright with color
As it used to be,
But now and then as St. Nick looked
He saw a Christmas tree.
And surely it was right in town
For folks to come and find
What Santa, in this busy year,
For them he had in mind.
John Kerry, for his cutter,
Got a can of special paint.
It wasn’t of the kind, of course
That makes the painter faint,
But barnacles it keeps away
All night long and every day.
Environmentally, it is a star
Since Kerry, John’s
Our Climate Czar.
Use wind, not fossil fuel, he says,
To save the trees and save the ice
To save the fields
And save the rice
That grows in paddies
Round the world.
John Kerry keeps
Our flag unfurled.
Then Santa plucked
From out his sack
A tiny gift — not bric-a-brac —
For Fiona Read Merry
Her first stuffed toy
That surely will
Bring her much joy.
Then Deici Cauro
Got a welcome mat
For her front door,
And that was that.
For Greg Monka
Was a measuring tape;
While for Steve Tully
Were Concord grapes.
Then Darlene Smith
Got a tiger cat
She’s sure to love
Right off the bat.
Vicki Sur got carrots to feed Fred.
He’ll eat before he goes to bed.
Rhonda Morgan got a puppy dog.
And for Anne Burt
There were more logs
To keep her warm both night and day.
Next for Rory Goeckel,
Since he likes to play
A game of chess, he got a board.
A Grunden’s apron was the gift
For Betsy Larsen,
She won’t be miffed.
Then Luna Mayhew
Got a friendly shark
That she can play with
In any park, or at the beach
Even after dark.
For Gerry Caton’s cat named Cat
Was a make-believe mouse
In St. Nick’s sack.
And next there came
From out his pack
More pinkletinks
For Indian Hill
For Katie Hough,
They should fill the bill.
And then there was
To keep off the chill
A warm wool sweater
For Laura Murphy.
While Santa had
For Elizabeth Durkee
A satchel of bills
To save Oak Bluffs’ bluffs,
Though they won’t, of course,
Be nearly enough
To make the bluffs
A place to land
Next year for Santa
And his deer band.
And then there was
For Alley, Sam
A chicken for his cooker
To make him happy.
While Spencer Booker,
Who always looks snappy,
Got a bushel of scallops
To bring him delight,
Especially now when
They’re so out of sight.
Then Shawn MacPhail
Got a Carhartt jacket.
And for David Malm
There was a packet
Of articles for him to read
On Vineyard values
And Vineyard needs.
And there was a gift
Of wampum beads
For Maria Duarte.
And pumpkin seeds
For Anna Alley, so she can grow
The pumpkins for pies,
That she loves so.
Next, for Joyce Dresser
Were daisy seeds —
Shasta, of course —
Not the kind that are weeds.
Then for Lauren Ginsberg
Were tickets to Greece
So she can stay there for some peace.
George Davis got a karaoke machine
For the Courthouse lobby
To liven the scene.
Kathy Agin got fine wool for knitting,
Though she hasn’t much time
To spend just sitting.
Then for Bruce Stone
There were new golf clubs,
And Stephanie Michalkczyk
Got pretty tubs
To grow flowers in
At her Camp Ground home,
For there, of course,
There’s very rich loam.
Colin Hurd got some Benton art,
A single painting
Would be a start.
Sue Hruby’s Lily
Got a catnip trove,
And it’s quite certain
She’ll never rove.
For Patterson, Meg
Was a new muffin tin
For her blueberry muffins
That won’t keep you thin.
Jenny Gadowski got turkey for soup,
Enough so that she could feed a group.
It’s so delicious all should try
To get a spoonful on the sly.
For Russell Burroughs
There was white wine.
The kind he likes
Comes from the Rhine.
And for Greg Coogan
Was an SUV
Shiny and silver
As it should be.
For Bow Van Riper and Norah Kyle
Were honeymoon tickets to St. Kitts.
While Hermine Hull got cornmeal for grits.
Then Debbie Hale
Got clay for her pots,
While Anne Vanderhoop
Got forget-me-nots.
Leila Gardner got a casting rod.
And Laura Hathaway, shish-kebab.
Charlotte Goeckel got her own Highland calf.
Then for Judy Birsh was a photograph
By Eisie, of course, ‘twas in Santa’s sack.
And as he looked deeper into his pack
Was a bike tire pump for Henry Nieder.
While Bruce Eliot got a gallon of cider
For his hot days at Chicken Alley.
For Valerie Sonnenthal were chimes from Bali.
Then Santa looked up to find his deer
All nibbling away without any fear
In Ocean Park, but ‘twas hard to see
Without as many lights that there used to be.
Time was when the park was all alight.
But, alas, this year it isn’t as bright.
And most lights it has are only white.
But since Santa was sure
That his deer were there
He went back to his sack
Without a care.
For Stephen Weinstein there was a new rake
For boule court tending — the best they make.
For Joyce Albertine was a house in Aruba.
And Alan Dershowitz got a tuba.
Then Abel Pease got bones to chew,
And plenty of them, not just a few.
And Nellie Scott got a Porsche that was red
That is the kind,
That she wanted to have as her very own.
And for Blanche Jackson
Was a precious stone,
Found in the ocean off Noman’s Land
And out there, too,
But in the sand
Was a note in a bottle for Anne Ganz.
It had come from Hawaii — far away
And surely floated for many a day.
There were paint supplies for Engley, Steve
That he should gratefully receive,
And Daniela Lynch got dancing shoes.
Next in the sack
Santa found for a cruise
Tickets for George Santos
They were good news.
Then Geovane Meikle
Got a new basketball
For his trip to Europe,
Probably in the fall.
T.J. Hegarty got a new walking cane
That holds up well,
Even in the rain.
Mark Winters got a welcome mat
To greet parishioners
Who come to chat
At the Federated Church
Where he’s now the preacher.
There were Salt Rock candies
For Plum Hill’s newish teacher.
She’s Emmy Mayhew
Whom children like.
And Oliver Goeckel got a new bike.
Then for Mya O’Neill
Was a rag doll white kitten.
And Juna Peach got
A pair of mittens.
Bobbie Scherlis got puzzles
For experts alone.
While for Susan Block
There was panettone.
For Kathleen Koehler
Was a Tom Dresser book.
And then there were
For Samantha Look
Some hiking boots
Since she likes to walk
On Island land
She seeks to keep
In a natural way
Not just as now,
But for many a day.
Then Santa knew it was time
To be off in the sky
For Nantucket beckoned
And it was nearby.
He called to his reindeer
‘Twas time to stop eating
And fly away
With more Christmas greetings.
He waved down to Oak Bluffs
And Islanders all
As he flew through the sky
Above the sea wall.
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