Most of us complain about the din caused by gas-powered leaf-blowers. Now Edgartown voters have an opportunity on April 9 to put a stop to them. Article 98 proposes a ban on the use of gas-powered leaf-blowers in Edgartown to protect neighborhoods from the high levels of noise these machines generate, disturbing residents and wildlife alike. Battery-powered blowers are much quieter and nearly as effective.

Bans on gas-powered leaf-blowers exist in major cities around the U.S. Let’s follow their good example. Your vote will help reduce noise and reduce fossil-fuel consumption. Please vote “Yes” on Article 98.

But don’t stop there. Article 87 proposes restrictions on large events held in residential neighborhoods of Edgartown–social and family events for up to 50 people aren’t affected. This article is a good one and much needed since large events create much noise and disruption. Many voters are concerned, however, that allowing two large events on one residential property each month is too many. I plan to propose an amendment to change the limit to just one per month while keeping the yearly limit of large events to five. Beyond that, as stated in Article 87, a permit would be needed.

Please vote Yes with this amendment: one time per month not two times.

Jane Bradbury
