• Ray Ewing

Summer Full Moon

This weekend's brilliant full moon is another low one. We are well into the height of summer and that spells full moons that are low in our southern sky. Tomorrow night's full moon is in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. For those walking South Beach, this moon could be a memorable sight for you and who ever you share the walk. The moon is low and lights a glittering trail along the ocean to your feet on the shoreline.

Throughout the night, the moon stays low and south of us, rising first in the southeast after sunset and setting in the morning just before the sun rises.

Enjoy the moment. This is also a big moon, fairly close in its orbit around the Earth. The moon will be in perigee next Wednesday, closest to the Earth than at any time this month.

Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 19 5:23 8:11
Sat., July 20 5:24 8:11
Sun., July 21 5:24 8:10
Mon., July 22 5:25 8:09
Tues., July 23 5:26 8:08
Wed., July 24 5:27 8:07
Thurs., July 25 5:28 8:06
Fri., July 26 5:29 8:05
Temperatures and Precipitations
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
July 12 81 71 0.33
July 13 82 73 0.10
July 14 80 70 1.35
July 15 86 72 T
July 16 84 74 0.00
Jan. 17 87 72 0.00
Jan. 18 86 73 0.04

Looking at the moon this weekend, take note of the bright red star, Antares, on the right of the moon. Antares is the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius. The moon was nearest Antares last Wednesday night.

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 76º F


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