Still more bidding decisions!

Q1: Sitting North, with South dealing and no one vulnerable, you hold:

    ♠️ J 10 6 5
    ♥️ J 9 7 4
    ♦️ J 10 6 
    ♣️ K 3

South opens 2NT (20-21 high-card points) and West passes. What do you bid?

A: 3♣️. Any time partner opens 2NT and you have at least five HCP, you must force to game. Bidding a Stayman 3♣️ and finding a major-suit fit could get you a better score than 3NT.

Q2: Sitting South, with North dealing and East-West vulnerable, you hold:

    ♠️ 10 9 8 7
    ♥️ J 4 3 2
    ♦️ 7 5 3 2
    ♣️ 10

North bids 1NT and East passes. What do you bid?

A: If ever a hand cried out for a pass, this is it. In 1NT this hand may not be worth a single trick. Not so fast! If you bid 2♣️ and pass any response, you should be worth a trick or two in 2♦️, 2♥️ or 2♠️. Here 2♣️ is known as “garbage Stayman.”

Q3: Sitting West, with East dealing and both sides vulnerable, you hold:

    ♠️ A Q 4 2
    ♥️ Q 7
    ♦️ J 3 2
    ♣️ K J 10 2

East opens 2♦️ (weak with six trumps) and South doubles. What do you bid?

A: 3♦️. With nine trumps, bid to the nine-trick level in competition, as per the Law of Total Tricks. Don’t even think about investigating a possible game. Your hand isn’t strong enough. Be content to keep North out of the auction.

Q4: Sitting South and dealing, you hold:

    ♠️ Q 2
    ♥️ A K Q 4
    ♦️ Q 10 9
    ♣️ 8 6 5 4

The bidding has proceeded as follows:

South            West            North            East
 1♣️            Pass            1♥️            Pass

 What to you bid?

A: 2♥️. Don’t fall in love with the heart fit. A raise to 3♥️ would show 16-18-point support.