For nine-year-old Brielle Cortez, fishing means being able to connect with her grandfather, who died before she was born.

“We have all his derby pins from years past. She saw the pins and wanted to try it,” said Vikki Cortez, Brielle’s mother.

Fishing began when the SSA gates opened at 6 a.m. Sunday. — Ray Ewing

Brielle started fishing last year, and Sunday morning was the first time she participated in the Kids Derby, an annual event that is part of the larger Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. 

During the Kids Derby, children ages 14 and under get to fish from the Steamship Wharf in Oak Bluffs. 

“It reinforces and reminds us how important fishing is to kids and families. It’s one of our favorite days,” said derby president John Custer. “Coop [Cooper Gilkes] always says if you put a rod in a kid’s hand, you give them a chance to do something special.”

Cooper Gilkes and John Custer. — Ray Ewing

Mr. Gilkes is one of the founders of the kids derby. On Sunday morning, he congratulated everyone on their catches as he observed the families lined up along the wharf.

“It’s so rewarding to us. I’ve got my own grandchildren in it now,” he said. “It’s unbelievable, I’ll tell you that right now. These kids are just starting. It’s a chance to learn. We want the parents to help them. It’s just incredible.”

Alyssa O’Donnell, a seven year-old participant, has been fishing her whole life. Her father, John, earned a first place award in the kids derby when he was her age.

Andrew and Avery Dahl. — Ray Ewing

“Living on the Island, this is a great hobby to have. It involves the family and everyone,” Mr. O’Donnell said.

Ella Ray, age nine, decided to participate after her father asked if she wanted to come. Sunday was her second time fishing, although she does not remember her first outing. But by the time the morning had ended, she was already seasoned angler, explaining where the best spots were along the pier.

“We started down there, but didn’t get anything because there were so many people. So I said, ‘Mom, we can’t give up,’” Ella recounted while holding her catch between the sleeves of her jacket as she waited to find out how big it was (fish are judged by length in the Kids Derby as opposed to by weight in the regular derby).

Henry Jackson took the grand prize for the second year in a row. — Ray Ewing

Alongside children who were fishing for the first time were more seasoned beginners, including past Kids Derby winners.

Hazel Tuper, a five-year-old participant who placed third in her division last year, held a sea bass close to her face to examine it.

“It smells like [the] seas,” she said.

The top prize winner of the day was 11-year-old Henry Jackson, who clinched the grand prize for the second year in a row with a 19-inch black sea bass, a half inch larger than his winning catch last year.

Winners Circle

Grand prize winner: Henry Jackson, age 11, 19-inch black sea bass.

12-14 years old

1) Manny Furtado, ae 13, 18.5-inch black sea bass.

2) Wyatt Buston, age 14, 17.5-inch black sea bass.

3) Jacob O’Donnell, age 12, 17-inch sand shark.

9-11 years old

1) Cooper Braillard, age 9, 15.75-inch black sea bass

2) Jack Cornwall, age 9, 15-inch black sea bass.

3) John Harrington, age 10, 15-inch black sea bass.

8 and under

1) John Roriz, age 6, 17.5-inch black sea bass.

2) Brook Shadik, age 4, 16.5-inch dogfish.

3)Clare Rodenbaugh, age 5, 16-inch fluke.

More pictures of the Kids Derby.