Tuesdays in the Newsroom returns next week, with an open house at the Vineyard Gazette office in Edgartown.

The popular series was launched in 2017 and ran until 2020, when it was sidelined due to Covid. On the second Tuesday of each month during the offseason, guest speakers addressed various topics, from oyster farming to right whales, community policing, journalism and a look back at the Vietnam War by Island veterans, to name a few.

The series returns on Dec. 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with an open house to meet the Gazette staff and hear about the roles reporters and editors play in community journalism.

The next event will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 14, with a topic and speakers to be announced. The public is welcome to contact the Gazette with potential ideas to discuss.

Register in advance at rsvp@vineyardgazette.com.