Library Snapshot Day
National Library Snapshot Day is Thursday, April 12.
And what, you ask, is snapshot day?
It is a day when libraries all over the country take a literal snapshot of what happens at the library. Photos of books being checked out, people receiving help finding a job, doing their taxes or homework; the day helps demonstrate the value of libraries and raises public awareness that libraries are busier than ever.
Participation is as easy as doing regular library business such as using the internet, checking out books, doing research, or attending a program. Programs that day at the Vineyard Haven Library include afterschool crafts for children ages five and up at 3:30 p.m., and a screening of a new release movie at 6 p.m. Children ages three to five can attend story time at 10:30 a.m. at the Edgartown Library or West Tisbury Library.
There is also online participation. Patrons can go to and post comments about the ways they use the library. Last year residents downloaded more than nine million articles from library resources.
For more details, call 508-696-4211.
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