Say Grace
Traditionally, a 25th anniversary is termed the silver anniversary. This year on the Vineyard, silver gives way to the lobster roll. After all, its the 25th season for Grace Church lobster rolls. In all those years, they’ve never had trouble with returns. Tell that to Macy’s.
Last Friday the season began. Think about it, lobster rolls every Friday from now through September. The lines get long come summer, so now is the time to truly savor the moment
The drill is easy and well worn. Show up at Grace Church, located on Woodlawn avenue in Vineyard Haven, from 4 to 7:30 p.m. and enjoy the feast The cost is $15 for a huge, fresh lobster roll, chips, and a beverage. Hot dogs are $3 (not all kids like lobster, thank heaven) and pie slices are $4.
For more information and to place large advance orders, call 508-693-0332.
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