Sunrise Sunset
Fri., May 11 5:26 7:49
Sat., May 12 5:25 7:50
Sun., May 13 5:24 7:51
Mon., May 14 5:23 7:53
Tues., May 15 5:22 7:54
Wed., May 16 5:21 7:55
Thurs., May 17 5:20 7:56
Fri., May 18 5:19 7:56
Change is ahead for the three visible evening planets. Venus, which has dominated our evening sky for months, is appearing lower in the sky. After sunset, Venus still appears high in the west, but it is already substantially lower than it was just two weeks ago. Venus will disappear from our sights in two weeks.
Mars, which was high in our sky after sunset, a month ago, now appears high in the west. The planet has lost some of its brilliance. It is in the zodiacal constellation Leo, near the bright star Regulus.
Saturn, the ringed planet, was on our southeastern horizon, a month. Now, the planet is high in the southeast after sunset. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo, not far from the principal star Spica.
All three planets are shifting to the western sky. By summer, only Saturn will be the noticeable and easy to find in our evening sky.
Jupiter is hidden in the glare of the sun this month, to reappear in the east with Venus, before sunrise, sometime in June.
The last quarter moon rises in the eastern sky tomorrow morning around midnight. The moon is low in the southeastern sky, in the zodiacal constellation Aquarius. Coincidentally, the moon is also near the dim planet Neptune. On Monday morning, the moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Pisces and not far from the also-dim planet Uranus.
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