Sunrise Sunset

Fri., June 29 5:09 8:20

Sat., June 30 5:10 8:19

Sun., July 1 5:10 8:19

Mon., July 2 5:11 8:19

Tues., July 3 5:11 8:19

Wed., July 4 5:12 8:19

Thurs., July 5 5:12 8:19

Fri., July 6 5:13 8:18

A large full moon will appear rising over Chappaquiddick soon after sunset on the night of the fireworks, Wednesday, July 4. The moon, also called the Fisherman’s Moon, will reach adequate height in the east to be a part of someone’s photograph of the fireworks.

The full moon is in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius and thus it is the lowest full moon of the year. Sagittarius is the southern- most constellation. Throughout the night, the moon will hang close to the southern horizon.

Since you are out waiting for the fireworks, take a chance and look for the evening planets. Saturn and Mars are fairly close together low in the southwestern sky well after sunset. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. Both are near the principal star Spica. The two planets plus the star form an elongated triangle and are the brightest celestial objects in the west.

Mars is distinctly red compared to the other two. Saturn is yellowish in color. Spica has a blueish bright white tint. Saturn is right underneath Spica. They are a closer pair and Mars appears a short distance to the west.

In the weeks ahead, Mars will appear to drift towards Saturn at a very slow pace.

The morning planets are Venus and Jupiter and they offer a spectacular sight. The time to look is an hour before sunrise. Venus outshines Jupiter but they are both beacons shining amid the light of dawn. Those with an unobstructed view of the eastern horizon will have the best view.
