Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 20 5:24 8:11
Sat., July 21 5:24 8:10
Sun., July 22 5:25 8:09
Mon., July 23 5:26 8:08
Tues., July 24 5:27 8:07
Wed., July 25 5:28 8:06
Thurs., July 26 5:29 8:05
Fri., July 27 5:30 8:05
A thin crescent moon will appear low in the southwestern sky tomorrow night. More Vineyarders will see the moon on Sunday night, when it is higher in the west.
We’ll all see the moon on Tuesday night when it appears close to the bright red planet Mars, both are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. Mars will be to the right of the moon.
On Wednesday night, the crescent moon appears close to the bright planet Saturn and the nearby bright star Spica. Saturn has a yellowish glow. By comparison, Spica looks blueish white.
For those who have trouble picking out a planet among the myriad stars, the moon is a perfect guide.
If you rise early, there is a pretty showing of the two brightest planets in the sky. Venus and Jupiter are high in the eastern sky before sunrise. Venus is so bright it looks like a stationary airplane approaching. Jupiter is not too far away. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Taurus.
The Big Dipper, the most common and easiest to find constellation, appears high in the northwestern sky soon after sunset. If there is a season to look for it, it’s summer. The constellation is nicely placed above the tree line. By midnight, the Big Dipper appears farther north and closer to the horizon. The two stars that mark the end of the dipper (farthest from the handle), point towards the North star, also known as Polaris.
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