Sunrise Sunset

Fri., April 9 6:11 7:15

Sat., April 10 6:10 7:16

Sun., April 11 6:08 7:17

Mon., April 12 6:07 7:18

Tues., April 13 6:05 7:19

Wed., April 14 6:03 7:20

Thurs., April 15 6:02 7:21

Fri., April 16 6:00 7:22

On Sunday and Monday mornings, for those who rise early there is an impressive appearance of both the crescent moon and the planet Jupiter. The two are close together. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. You’ll see the two high in the southeastern sky just before dawn.

The moon gets thinner and close to the eastern horizon on Tuesday morning. It disappears on Wednesday, as it is in the new moon phase.

Evening Planets

The brightest planet in our evening sky is Venus, low in the southwest after sunset. Venus is slowly getting closer to the Earth. Astronomers estimate the planet began the month 147 million miles away and will end the month 136 million miles away.

Higher in the sky there is the bright red planet Mars, residing in the zodiacal constellation Cancer. Astronomers estimate Mars is 106 million miles away and slipping away quickly.

The ringed-planet Saturn, rises in the eastern sky, after sunset. That planet is 790 million miles away, more than seven times farther away than Mars. It is 8.5 times farther away from us than our sun.
