The weekend weather was superb, hot and dry. Frank Adams would have described the weather we have been having as “hotter than a burn boot” because that is what he wrote in his diary about the heat wave of 1942. People seemed to be everywhere. Last week the sun began setting at least two minutes earlier each day as we slowly head toward fall. However, it is summer and we are not taking notice of such trivial things. Outdoor activities are at fever pitch and sales of bagged ice and charcoal have skyrocketed but unfortunately the month is half over. It seems like the day before yesterday was the Fourth of July.
The quiet of Monday afternoon was interrupted by the sirens of fire trucks, EMTs and other emergency personnel roaring through town on the way to the disastrous fire in Menemsha. It sure did highlight the sense of urgency. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Don and Marcia Klepper-Smith of Durham, Ct. are concluding their annual two week vacation at their Old County Road home. Don is operating his business part-time out of their home this summer. He is the chief economist and director of research of Data Core Partners LLC. His wife, Marcia, is the chaplain at Manchester Hospital and celebrated a significant birthday before leaving town.
Sig VanRann of Music street reports that his wife, Susan Dickler, has just returned from a trip to Scotland with her daughter, Emma Rose, to visit her niece who teaches at the University of Edinburgh. They toured ancient castles and art museums. Sig drove down to New York to pick Susan up at JFK then they visited Susan’s mom in New York city, who at 97 is preparing for her annual summer trip to Maine. They are awaiting their oldest, Zoe, who will be here next week from Santa Fe, N.M., with granddaughters, Zaya and Eva, for their annual visit.
Denise Mount and her husband, Don Evon, of Canton, Ct., and her sister Pam, of Westchester, N.Y., were the guests last week of Anna Alley. They enjoyed the beach, kayaking, shopping and dinning out. Denise and Anna celebrated their birthdays on Monday.
David Lewis and his wife, Danica Kombol, and their children Thae, Jack and Miranda, of Atlanta, Ga., arrived at their house on Thumb Point recently. They got to watch the World Cup on television.
Bob and Anne Ganz of North Road attended the Fourth of July Parade in Edgartown and Bob proudly marched in his Army uniform. He reports that he hasn’t invested in okra seeds, as Malcolm Hall has in his garden this year.
Cherrilla Brown, in addition to waiting on customers at Alley’s General Store and landscaping work on the weekends, also produces her own By the Sea salt. It is a combination of kosher salt and selected herbs made right in her kitchen from her mother’s special recipe. She also bottles her own Jose Can You Sea Salt with a little kick to it. She reports selling more than 5,000 bottles last year Island-wide; in addition to being a helpful addition to any spice cabinet, it is a useful souvenir to take back home or send as a gift.
Connie Koch of Washington, D.C. and Edgartown Road arrived last Wednesday to spend the summer at her home. She is busy preparing for the arrival of her children who will be making their summer visits later this month.
Susan and Andy Boass of Hopkinton were at their summer home last weekend. Andy is a beekeeper and sells his product from a card table on the edge of Middle Road. Susan is one of the famous Glimmerglass Girls.
Daniel Whiting of Orlando, Fla., was here for the week of July 4 with his children, David and Emma. Once again, they enjoyed the Fourth of July parade and the fireworks. There was lots of time spent with family on the farm. Daniel stayed with his sister, Tara.
Mary Jane Pease reports that the Tisbury Great Pond riparian owners will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the Howes House.
Adrian Moore, of Baton Rouge, La., came to the Island aboard the Reilly craft the Jenny Maeve. She was spotted wearing a tiara and celebrating a major decade birthday with the Lewis and entire Baton Rouge clan at their camp on Deep Bottom Cove.
The West Tisbury Congregational Church will offer its third and very popular summer sale of collectibles and treasures on the church grounds in the center of town on Saturday, July 24. The sale will begin at 9:30 a.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. The rain date will be on Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. A large variety of items collected and donated by church members and friends will be available for sale. Several private vendors will feature specialty items and lemonade will help keep eager shoppers cool. All proceeds will benefit the preservation efforts of the historic church. Call Marian Irving at 508-696-8034 for information.
Colleen Morris over at the library invites you to the World of Troubadours and Trobairitz on Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Howes House with special musical performances by Jessica Heuser, Deborah Hart, Carol Loud and Andy Weiner. Jessica Goodenough Heuser, a soprano who specializes in Baroque music, will be a special guest. There will be dramatic readings by Jonathan Revere, Donald Nitchie, Susanna Sturgis, Jennifer Tseng, Joseph Eldridge and Colleen Morris. Free hors d’oeuvres will be served. For more information, call the library at 508-693-3366.
A very busy Colleen has on her schedule Joanne Scott and the health and wellness series tomorrow at 4 p.m., and John Zeisel on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., narrating a film on Alzheimer’s with discussion to follow.
Find the time tomorrow night to stop and have a bite to eat at the Portuguese Feast. The food is always terrific. The annual event is held on the Portuguese-American Club grounds on Vineyard avenue in Oak Bluffs. On Sunday morning at 11 a.m. the annual parade from the Steamship Authority dock down Circuit and up Vineyard avenue to the club will be held, and the feast will continue until 6 p.m.
Ginger Duarte reports that the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Old Mill in West Tisbury. The topic for this month’s program is Hydrangeas: what they are, how they differ, what to do to keep them healthy and happy. Paul Mahoney, the guru of plant disease diagnoses and the owner of Mahoney’s Garden Center, will present the program. A hospitality hour with refreshments will follow. For information, call Ginger at 508-693-6570 or the garden club hotline at 508-693-5334.
Karen Flynn of Indian Hill Road reminds us that the Haiti earthquake was just six months ago Monday. People are still suffering in the heat and upcoming hurricane season. There will be a clambake tonight at the Agricultural Hall or just stop by the auction that will contain unbelievable donations. Take a break and join them for an important cause. Tickets are available online or at the Bite in Menemsha.
The library book sale is just around the corner. The sale begins on Friday, July 30, at the school gym and runs until Monday, August 2, so mark those dates on your calendar today. Lee Revere reports that they are accepting donated books from 8 a.m. until noon. They cannot accept books after July 28. For more information call the library at 508-693-3366.
Marsha Winsryg reports that the fourth annual family puppet day will be held at the Polly Hill Arboretum on Sunday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. For more information call April Thanhauser at 508-693-9912.
Bill Mill reports that next Saturday Paddle into the Night, a guided kayak trip at Long Point Wildlife Refuge, will take place at 7 p.m.
The United Methodist Church of Martha’s Vineyard invites everyone to its second summer of delicious crab cake suppers. They’re served every Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Trinity Parish House, across from the Tabernacle. Delicious crab cakes, sweet potato fries, coleslaw and dessert. Hot dog dinners are also available.
There will be a celebration of life in memory of Tom Osmers tomorrow at the Agricultural Hall at 4 p.m. A community potluck and music will follow the service. All are welcome.
And old friend, Larry Brandon of Old County Road, died last week. Our condolences to his wife and family.
Happy Birthday to: Margaret Logue, Maria Camargo and Mark Seward today; Cynthia Bloomquist, Eleanor Thayer, Linda Asbridge, Rebecca Hodgson and Mary Giordano tomorrow; Arnie Fischer, Sue Leland, David Fielder, Mike Pease and Mark Yale on Sunday; Philip Baldwin, Susan Austin, Linda Jones and Jessica Branch on Monday; Kara Rosenthal, Laura Wainwright and Pamela Danz on Tuesday; Laura Campbell, Karen Flynn and Jean Caron on Wednesday; Joan Jenkinson, Maureen Healy, and Katie Hart on Thursday. Happy anniversary to Sig VanRaan and Susan Dickler on Wednesday. Belated birthday greetings to Denise Mazzuchelli and Ralph Franklin.
Well, that is all the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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