Sunrise Sunset

Fri., August 27 6:01 7:23

Sat., August 28 6:02 7:22

Sun., August 29 6:03 7:20

Mon., August 30 6:05 7:18

Tues., August 31 6:06 7:17

Wed., Sept. 1 6:07 7:15

Thurs., Sept. 2 6:08 7:13

Fri., Sept. 3 6:09 7:12

The brightest planet in the western sky is Venus, and it can easily be seen an hour after sunset. In the coming week, our nearest planet appears close to one of the brightest stars of the summer, Spica. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.

Venus appears directly underneath Spica next Tuesday night. The two are about one degree apart and the scene changes every night afterwards. Venus is moving past Spica to the east.

A considerably fainter red planet Mars is to the right of the two. For those with a clear view of the western sky and the horizon, the ringed-planet Saturn appears amid the glow of twilight and only for a short time before it sets in the west-southwest.


Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is easier to see. Jupiter rises in the eastern sky shortly after sunset and it takes its time moving across the sky all night long. By sunrise, Jupiter is setting in the west.

Early in the evening, Jupiter commands attention in the east, just as Venus is easy to spot setting in the west. The two are in the sky at the same time for only a short time each night. These nights, as Jupiter gets higher in the east, Venus gets lower in the west.
