The world keeps turning, with only small breaks to pause to reflect upon the beauty of its Chappy.
I have a deal for the skunks and crows. I think it’s reasonable. See if you agree. I understand that skunks and crows need to eat, and that grubs are a favored meal. Okay. I also understand that it is necessary to disturb perfectly good turf in order to get at said grubs. And I don’t expect them to do that which my Grammy required: leave the place better than you found it. But what would be nice is if they could return to the same spots in the autumn that they disturbed in the spring. All that crabgrass that came in on their coattails could use their little beaks and claws to encourage its dismissal from the soil. Deal?
Cheryl Herrick is missing her cat Marly. She is tortoise shell with mostly black on her head and light brown toward her tail. Cheryl lives on Jason drive which is off the paved road just short of the dirt road to Wasque. Marly is very friendly and very missed. If you think you may have seen Marly, please call Cheryl at 508 939-0474.
I hope Cheryl will take some solace in the fact that our cat was prone to similar wanderings, and he always came back. Of course there was nary an explanation or an apology from cat, but he did take his dusty body to the nearest white pillow and begin an hour of intense cleaning. So at least he practiced good hygiene.
They’re dredging out our way. Seems the gut had become a bit over complimented with sand, and it was time to spread the wealth. Kim and I ventured down the beach to take an up-close look, and offer any engineering advice that might be useful. I find that suggestions from lay people are always welcome to folks doing an arduous job. Supervisor Ed Handy and Mark, whose last name I did not get, seemed to have things well under control, however. Watching the process was not unlike looking at a fire in the fireplace: nothing much happens but one becomes mesmerized nonetheless. With any luck some of the sand will wash our way.
Lily Morris (daughter of acclaimed columnist Margaret Knight) has spent some quality time here at the Big Camp. Both Mom and brother were in need of massage so Lily agreed to take them on in her capacity as massage therapist. By all accounts a good time was had by all. And by all, I mean Mom and brother. I can’t speak for Lily — but if she’s like me, she won’t suffer any effects of exposure to my family until much later in life. My family is like a latent virus. I kid because I love.
Speaking of, er, family, Annie Heywood ambled by with brother Brad and Brad’s wife Laurel for some picture taking and reminiscing. The Heywood boys spent many years up and down the Big Camp steps, ensuring that nothing ever got too dull during the 1960s.
Speaking of Annie, people often ask me if we’re related. To which I reply, well, I don’t reply. But if they persist, I’ll tell them that Annie is, in truth, my illegitimate daughter, the product of a brief affair with my corporate law professor when I was 17. Seldom do people believe me however, as I am 20 years Annie’s junior, I don’t look smart enough for law studies, and it appears doubtful that I was doing much more than holding hands at 17.
I understand that we’re in for a blow (which will have blown by this printing). The online weather advisory warns that one should secure lawn furniture. Doesn’t say anything about other stuff, so I guess my papier mâché full-size replica of Stonehenge is fine.
The potluck at the Community Center on Wednesday, Oct. 6 will be hosted by Martha Weston and Pedro Baez. The potluck starts at 6 p.m. with appetizers; dinner is at 6:30. All are welcome; bring a main course or dessert dish to share.
Mary Spencer’s Movie Marathon begins tonight at 4 p.m. She’ll show films from the recent Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival until 11 p.m., and then again Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. You can find the schedule at or on the bulletin boards at the ferry and Community Center. All Chappaquiddickers are welcome. Mary will have a vat of chowder, popcorn, and some drinks while they last, but welcomes other food to share.
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