We just looked outside and it is snowing. The weather man told us the Cape and Islands would only see rain but they can’t be always right. Our only little ray of hope is that in front of my house a little yellow crocus is peeking out of the ground. Plus spring training has started for the Red Sox. Spring is just around the corner.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated this past month. Big balloons go out to Devin Hill and Kevin Montambault who celebrated their day Feb. 15; Jackson Pachico on Feb. 16; Caroline Moffet on Feb. 17; Sophie Ulyatt on Feb. 18; and Ennis Foster on Feb. 19.
Special birthday wishes go out to Stelle Burnham who celebrated her day Feb. 14. Word has it that Stelle had some back surgery and is now walking with a walker. It has been a long time for Stelle to be able to do this so we are very proud of her. Keep up the good work, Stelle.
If you have been to downtown Edgartown you know about the Gift Shop run by Gerry Averill and her partner Barbara. The Gift shop was the place you could go and get a present for someone or a stuffed animal or even a souvenir if needed. So we are disappointed that they have closed their doors. However their generosity still goes on as they have donated all the things left over to the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Second Hand Store. Deborah Alper-Sylvia, Deborah Viglas and Paula Niejadlik packed up what was left in the store and transported it to the Second Hand Store. They report that there are a lot of goodies and great presents for most occasions. So if you are out and about go and check it out and thank you Gerry and Barbara. I for one will really miss seeing you and your little store. May you both enjoy your retirement and time with your family.
Also, word has it that Vintage Jewelry will be moving into the vacant store. So good luck Sue in your new location.
I am not one to use my column as a political forum but I am one of many people on the Island upset about the closing of the MSPCA. I have adopted many animals from there and they have taken care of my animals that could no longer live in this world. I hope we can all join together and keep our shelter here or I fear what will happen to all those animals that have been deserted here in the summer plus we have a great record for placing animals that cannot be placed in the cities. So let’s help keep our shelter here.
Last Thursday night we went to the Harbor View for a night of silent and live auction, and chances to win Red Sox tickets for the benefit of the eighth grade class Washington trip. It was a great time. Seeing that it was at 6:30 it advertised hearty appetizers and we didn’t know what to expect. We were pleasantly surprised to find not only the staple appetizers but the surprise ones in the main room where the auction was. When you walked in the room, the back corner was the station that was most popular. It looked like an ice cream bar but when you got there it was three types of mashed potatoes being served in martini glasses and a variety of toppings. Also chili was being served the same way. Everyone loved the idea and you could not help but notice that one could not make just one trip to that table.
Trip Barnes was the auctioneer and I must say he kept things hopping and got the bids he wanted for some great items. Our hats are off to all the parents who worked hard putting the whole thing together for that night.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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