Sunrise Sunset

Fri., July 31 5:34 8:00

Sat., August 1 5:35 7:59

Sun., August 2 5:36 7:58

Mon., August 3 5:37 7:57

Tues., August 4 5:38 7:56

Wed., August 5 5:39 7:55

Thurs., August 6 5:40 7:53

Fri., August 7 5:41 7:52

Tonight’s gibbous moon appears low in the southern sky in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. The moon’s intense brightness will dominate the starry night sky this weekend. The Sailor’s Moon, is on Wednesday.

The Sailor’s Moon will appear right next to the brilliant planet Jupiter, in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus. For those on the Vineyard’s south shore, the two are an impressive sight rising over the ocean.


Jupiter is getting plenty of media attention. There was evidence earlier this month that the planet took a hit from a rogue celestial piece of debris. For those with high powered telescopes, the planet now has a black wound in its southern hemisphere.

Astronomers will look again at Jupiter on Monday night. For two hours the solar system’s largest planet will occult a sixth magnitude star. The sight will be observable from Europe to Africa. Here on the Vineyard, Jupiter will appear to graze the distant star.

Meteor Shower

The most popular Perseid meteor shower is less than two weeks away. The shower’s radiant is August 11 and 12, though some early arrivals may be seen.
