Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Sept. 4 6:10 7:10

Sat., Sept. 5 6:11 7:08

Sun., Sept. 6 6:12 7:07

Mon., Sept. 7 6:13 7:05

Tues., Sept. 8 6:14 7:03

Wed., Sept. 9 6:15 7:02

Thurs., Sept. 10 6:16 7:00

Fri., Sept. 11 6:17 6:58


Tonight’s full moon, Corn Moon, appears in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. The distant planet Uranus appears nearby and is too faint to see without optics. The bright moon spends the coming weekend moving through Pisces and arrives in the zodiacal constellation Aries on Wednesday. The moon enters Taurus, the bull at the end of next week.

Summer is almost over when stargazers start seeing Taurus rising in the east. Taurus is the surest sign winter clime is around the corner.


Jupiter is the brightest planet rising in the eastern sky after sunset. Jupiter is in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus and it remains viewable all night, until just before dawn when it sets in the west.

Venus is an early morning planet. Venus rises well before the sun and can be seen an hour before sunrise. Venus is brighter than Jupiter and there is no mistaking the two. Venus is rising in the east, when Jupiter sets in the west.


The red planet Mars is high in the east, just before dawn. Mars is in the zodiacal constellation Gemini. Its reddish glow makes Mars entirely different from either Venus and Jupiter.
