Rick Herrick>
(Nicholas Stewart is our grandson. He recently started kindergarten at the Valle Crucis School in North Carolina. If he were able to write a letter, this is something of what he would say.)
Dear Gryn and Granddad,
Mommy said I would love school this year, but she lied. I miss the Vineyard!
Gryn, are you still swimming at the beach club? Next summer I plan to swim to the raft all by myself. Please say hi to Sam, Lisa, and Zach. Tell them that I’m practicing my flips at the Y, and that I promise not to run on the pier next summer.
One thing I want to make clear to both of you is that I’m going to ride my bike to the tennis club all by myself when I come back. It’s only fair. Benjamin does it. I won’t run into any cars. I promise.
What’s Hop Hop (Nicholas’s great grandfather) doing? Tell him I’ll do a better job cleaning up my toys next summer. I hope he knows it wasn’t all my fault.
Granddad, please play lots of golf right now so that you get sick of it. When I come back in July, I want you to play tennis with me every day. Not Benjamin, just me. I still have tennis balls in the spokes of my bike wheels. It looks cool. By the way, I want you to buy me a new racquet. I need lots of power.
I hope it doesn’t rain next summer; but if it does, I promise to get the gold ring. Say hi to Go Go and Cool Daddy (Craig and Betsy Dripps).
Love, your best friend, Nicholas.
P.S. I will be back with you a month before Nicholas and Benjamin return in June 2010.
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