Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Nov. 20 6:36 4:17
Sat., Nov. 21 6:37 4:17
Sun., Nov. 22 6:38 4:16
Mon., Nov. 23 6:39 4:15
Tues., Nov. 24 6:41 4:15
Wed., Nov. 25 6:42 4:14
Thurs., Nov. 26 6:43 4:14
Fri., Nov. 27 6:44 4:13
In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, the Leonid meteor shower fell short of impressive. Some thought the shower was going to produce a hundred or more meteors in an hour of watching. This observer saw about three meteors in ten minutes.
It is possible that somewhere else in the world the show was better. Predictions gave favor to those living in Asia.
Despite the disappointing number of meteors sighted, the time outside was not wasted.
The hour was perfect for stargazing: the night air was still, the sky was clear and there was only a slight nip in the air. A heavy coat made things quite comfortable.
The Island can often experience spectacular night skies, and even though the ocean and weather put a lot of moisture in the air, we still have some of the darkest skies in the region.
Red Mars glowed brilliantly, having brightened significantly over the last month. The planet is getting closer to the earth.
Mars rises in mid-evening and will continue to brighten, with the best ahead, around the new year.
Jupiter and Moon
The crescent moon will appear near the bright planet Jupiter tomorrow night. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus. You’ll find the two low in the southern sky after sunset and in the southwestern sky well after the dinner hour. M.A.L.
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